Hello all,
It is 6:45 A.M. here and I am going back to bed I just got up to drink some
Epsom Salts which I am procrastinating about.
I know I have to take it to have a successful flush.(I learned my lesson last time)
I got pretty sick to my stomach last night.
I did not eat at all yesterday.I drank
The Master Cleanse drink and added grapefruit to itI drank this through out the day.
I drank plain water also. I think what may have made me sick was that I drank plain water after 2pm in the after noon I drank 2 or 3 16
oz water bottles.
Also right after I drank the potion I got a coughing attack because of the cold. I had to drink some sips of water or I would of had to take a cough drop it was pretty bad I couldnt quit coughing.
What do you think made me feel so ill?
This morning I am like gagging thinking about the
Epsom Salts because my tummy still feels alittle quesy.
I am going to bite the bullet and go now so I can drink it and lay back down. I will be back later to tell you how things went. I havnet had a BM yet..
Thanks for listening, mo