I don't know anything about laser dentistry. If you are referring to using lasers to somehow remove fillings, my first concern would be whether or not the laser would activate the heavy metals in the filling to release radioactive particles. Potentially dangerous, but it will be better than the alternatives probably. The alternatives being removing a filling through another means, or not removing it at all.
"should one just hope there teeth get better on there own and with the right diet push out the fillings?"
This doesn't really work. Diet alone probably won't push the fillings out. Even if it did, it would be impossible to estimate how long it would take. I've heard stories about fillings falling out. But my own experiments indicate that this probably has just as much to do with the fillings not being secured well, as it does with a change of diet. This might work with a gold or porcelain filling, but amalgam fillings don't seem to come out so easily.
I've been doing lots of experiments on the fillings. It seems that the rate of decay of fillings can be increased with fasting. I've been doing lots of dry fasting over the last couple of months, and I can see a significant rate of decay of the fillings on the left side of the mouth, particularly in the last two weeks. I'm thinking about trying a really long dry fast (5+ days) to see if it will decay even faster.
The problem with this technique is that when it breaks apart faster, it only means a higher mercury load for the rest of the body. And even with lots of fasting, most of it is still there. And that's the small one. I can probably dissolve those two with my fasting technique, but getting rid of the fillings on the right side of the mouth is going to be a bigger problem. And dry fasting takes lots of skill. Dry fasting plus mercury detox would probably kill someone who didn't know what they were doing.
I do believe the body can heal from anything, but I also believe that extraordinary results require extraordinary preparation. IMHO, hoping that dental fillings will fall out on a diet is about like hoping that Obama will fix the economy. In other words, a misplaced hope. Suffice to say, if you want to remove the fillings without having to go through a dentist, then it is going to take more extreme measures.
I'll let you know if my experiments make anymore headway. But at the current rate, it will still take a long time to dissolve and detox even the smallest filling. If I can't find a way to increase the breakdown of amalgam, then I should probably start looking into this laser treatment.
But here are the facts, we know the facts. The fact is that amalgam was not designed to be removed easily, and that there aren't many good (or safe) ways to remove it. A dentist can remove it a lot easier than the body can. Unless someone knows some way to make all their fillings magically fall out. Which nobody does.