you guys and your third party cases. i cant help them. they have to seek me out and do what i say and then i can help them. theres a lot of territory between here and there. sorry.
to answer your question, i was using colloidal silver and food grade hydrogen peroxide together. i was also taking both internally. i took the baths daily and sometimes more. i used about a quart of homemade CS and a capful of 35% food grade H2O2. relief started immediately and became 100% in a few weeks. the h2o2 was what got my breathing back, curing what i believed to be emphysema, though i dont know what kind.
it wasnt just from smoking. i am still cured and still smoke years later. i believe it was the increased oxygen to the blood which cured the reynauds. all my fingers and toes turned blue. i think it was fungus. candida in the lungs. thats what i think it was. it was there to help save my life, which it did. i smoked huge amounts of viscious materials since i was 13. if i had not found organic tobacco i would have had to quit by now. thats not an endorsement for smoking but this can be a viable last resort for smokers who wont quit. they really are a "safer" cigarette. and its a real cigarette which tastes like smokes did in the old days - really good.