holy cow
anybody have past life dreams on iodine?
my dreams have always been vivid...but this is FREAKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last night I was a barefoot Dr. in China I was treating a woman with FBD and the needles were thick and made of bone WOW. I was kind of an a-hole and very blunt and told her if she didn't eat her seaweed I could not help her LOL!!!!!
tonight I dreamt I started a detox clinic with stations from dental clean up (where the dentist soaked the holes in your teeth with cotton balls filled with iodine!!) other stations were
FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) saunas IT WAS A MASSIVE clinic (perhaps the future)
then I went back to the past and was part of an ancient fire breathing ceremony
my husband pushed on me to wake up because I was literally fire breathing (kundalini yoga style)
I'm a freak!
Sorry guys for being O/T
thanks for letting me share it so strange this
Iodine wonderland!!!!