Yeah, Pioneer has been through the mill so to speak but she's pretty darn healthy now and getting better all the time.
I too was very ill at one time. Liver cancer, and I too am still here the cancer has been gone since Dec 98. So this protocol does indeed work.
It gets back to basics. The Natural Healing Paradigm is the rules a body must have in place in order to be healthy and the protocols necesary to do it.
If you take a look around you'll see diseases are NOT curable. The only "cure" their has ever been is to elivate health levels to the point where the diseases can't exist. But even that was hard to do because nobody had sat down and wrote up the rules.
Having been terminally ill at one time I took it upon myself to discover those rules and apply them. It took over 20 years of studying and experimenting with the various applications to put the "Natural Healing Paradigm" together. No small task.
But it works, and it works by returning a body to it's normal physiology. You know, health... It doesn't really matter what title you give the disease and it helps to not even think about treating the disease, just concentrate on getting helthy. Hard to do for some folks but by the time the disease manifests you've already been sick for a long time.
Anyway, we know what the rules are now. We know the order of cleansing necessary. We know about antiparasite programs, diet and exercise. We've got the bases covered, all that's necesaary is to apply. Doesn't even require any "belief".
It's not a fun trip though - it will test you. But if you stick with it you'll be sooooooo glad you did. You'll be young again and it's oh so much better the second time around.