Hi, I!
Count your blessings!
Many years ago my doc diagnosed the same thing as "anxiety disorder", medicated me out of my right mind and into a state of constant dizziness and extreme weight gain!
Ecclesiastes 3:11 talks about humans not being able to "find out the work that the true God has made from the start to the finish." Jeremiah 10:23 tells us it is not given to humans even "to guide our own steps."
So if we do not understand ourselves "from the start to the finish" and need help to guide our steps, HOW, exactly, are we going to micromanage our health?
We may NEVER completely understand how our lungs work. But we know enough about this to consider continued breathing a good choice! If one waited for complete understanding, holding one's breath, exactly how long would one expect to live?
Regarding the ideas here at Ask Moreless, none of us will EVER COMPLETELY understand them. But many of us DO understand ENOUGH to consider certain things wiser to do than to leave undone. We have benefited greatly, and attempted to share that benefit with others who desire health improvement.
So, what is stopping YOU from taking the first step to benefit yourself by applying SOMETHING from this forum?
Is it too difficult?
Do you have any reason to believe there is serious risk from anything suggested here?
Is there ANYTHING to loose, other than health problems?
Wouldn't you RATHER be getting better and better in your health and helping others do the same? That would SURELY be more rewarding for you and better for those who take the time to read your posts!
Questions and an overly questioning spirit can be a bad thing. Ecclesiastes 12:12 says there is no end to the making of books, and much attention to them is weariness to the soul! In your case, to the asking of questions there is no end, and paying attention to them is preventing your healing!
Quit seeking information and start APPLYING some of what you have learned!
Otherwise, you may educate yourself to death????