Your symtoms sound exactly like symtoms I have had, and to put your mind at rest they are related to stress.Only over breathing or hyperventilation causes tingling in the fingers(this I quote from what my doctor told me).
I had a panic attack a few years back, but more importantly I had been suffering from stress for some time. After the panic attack I went to my doctor because like you I was getting pain and numbness down my left side, including my face, jaw arm and leg. These symtoms were quite often made worse or appeared when I also had PMT. I did not realise it at the time , but as my period approached I would hyperventilate, in a chronic fashion, which is why I was not aware of it.I too wndered if I had heart problems, as I also had chest pain. My doctor explained that the pain down my left side was a form of migraine caused by the stress.
When you get chest pain try biting the inside of your cheek or nipping yourself. You should find the chest pain goes away, as the pain you inflict on yourself will distract the subconscious part of your brain. This sounds a silly thing to do but it will make you realise that it is not your heart.
Hyperventilating also effects your circulation, which can make you think you have a heart problem.I noticed often at that time in my life that I would have the odd numb finger or blue toe nails.
You can find more info about this under panic attack syndrome on the internet. YOu should get help to resolve this as it will not do your health any good in the long term. Stress interferes with the immune system.
I hope this put your mind at rest.