Dancing Love
Hi - I do not know about biological dentists, but I had my wisdom teeth extracted in Brasov, Romania, at a dentist office that uses laser, which greatly speeds up healing. My surgery was very complicated, it lasted two hours and there were two dentists doing it, they had to cut the gums because the two bottom teeth were growing diagonally as they had no space to erupt. The surgery went very well and due to the laser treatment afterwards I healed very well and with minimal pain and bleeding.
The dentist also sent me to a "laser acupuncturist" who treated me for a week, she would use a laser on key acupuncture points on my body. So I guess my dentists seemed to know and appreciate "alternative" healing methods. Who knows, maybe they even did cavitation, but since I didn't ask (didn't know about it at that point) I am not sure. All I can say is that I have had zero problems after the surgery (4 years ago), and I am grateful since I have heard quite a few people talk about how they had pain for a long time after their wisdom teeth extraction.
Good luck.