High on Water
I'm still not bleeding...but I believe that I am ovulating again. I find this lunar thread quite interesting, though. I just looked back upon last year, when I first started to take notice of when I thought ovulation was regulating itself.
I believe that it correlates with the full moon - for me...I shall pay more attention to this!
So, even though (for alphabet lady) that she's a "full-moon menstruator" - I appear to be a "full-moon ovulator".
So, it does make sense that the balance would be different.
I am curious what else comes into play here. I do not follow astrology, per se, but being a "Pisces", I fall under a "water" sign.
Abcxyz, what is your "sign"??? If you (or anyone) is not comfortable divulging, would you say if you are an earth, water, air or fire sign???
FIRE : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
AIR : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
WATER: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
EARTH: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn