"if" you become a fan of dr. john r. christopher, then you have to experience the school of natural healing at some point.
since it sounds like your making herbs, then that also is your best source.
your biggest question in life will be "your" theory on herb use in human health.
i suggest you take the snh courses, meet the folks, shake hands and use that as a stepping stone into making your own theories.
i do it my way and that way changes as i learn better. i think i have changed every formula i make at least a little each year and i hope that always happens, because the day i don't alter my formulas for the better, is the year i quit learning.
the only way i will ever explain the way i make herbal formuals, is the year no one can sell herbal products in america. then i would write a book explaining everything i thought was good, until that day comes, it stays in the family. well, actually i am the only one making anything, so i guess it stays with me.
it is very simple
read/read/read and then experiment and "prove" to your self what works or does not work and never make a product that you wouldn't use your self.
keep in mind, that herbs/foods/water are only a "part" of total health, so being a herbalist or a master herbalist (if there really is such a thing)is nothing to brag about at all, it is just a step in the correct direction.
keep in mind as well, those tree fruits are just as much herbs as well and always tell the poor people to save their $$$$ and buy and eat their foods correctly, because to the working family, herbs will forever be a luxory. one they really can't afford.
attending the snh was something i enjoyed, i can say i have been there, done that. am i a master herbalist? far from it, am not an educated book smart person....never was. ask me anything techincal and i will say that is why the smart people wrote books,the answers on on pages, not in my brain. some one like christopher hobbs, i would classify as a master herbalist, but how many people are walking around with those kind of "book smarts".
sure, working with someone as an apprentice is a great way and basically that is the goal of the snh. i use the snh book everytime i want to know what herb to use and if i want to know about the medical/cautions, etc. i may look it up in the german herb/medical book or big blue book as i call it.
the internet is a great source, but you have to question every single thing you read, because you have no clue how correct it is.
what makes a "good" person with herbs, etc...is a sick one. many of the best, all state they were dieing and that made them seekers....the question is what motivates you? if your not sickly, not in fear of dieing, then you may not have that desire and will have to redirect that to be the desire to help others and have "doctor" qualities.
i am not a public person
this makes me a "formulator"
i enjoy maing things better, i always have, regardless what it is, i always wanted to make it easier/better.
all i have learned from, eventually will end up on my website... but that does not mean all i have learned; because i take what i believe to be the best, from each author and make it all work in my life. i am not about to tell another to follow my tracks, they need to read and apply and walk their own path.