Your answer made me think some important points that one easily overlook.
Our immune system can cope with large variety of “wrong food” and fights the deceases.
That is, if our immune system works normally.
In most cases we get a good immune system from our mother and providing that we eat “right food’ and exercise it will stay good.
Endless argument continues, what is the right food!
It all depends whom do you wish to believe.
We have been told all kind of lies about food for years only to boost commercial interests.
Secondly we may eat what is supposedly right food, bur unfortunately grown in a wrong place, perhaps with contaminated soil and watered with contaminated water.
Many commercial food crops may look “right”, but in reality those won’t contain the usual nutrients due to poor and depleted soil or heavy artificial fertilization.
It may be true that some plants are naturally anti-biotic, containing natural substances to boos the immune system, but only if they are grown right!
So in the absence of knowledge what is in our food really, my advice would be to eat wide variety of foods and nothing in large quantity!
Exercise plenty and stay away from
Antibiotics unless you are really sick, because they will kill both good and bad bugs in your body and weakens the immune system!