Has anyone done the eyewash with the Christopher's formula?? Schulze formula is the same. I have it and have been afraid to try it due to the cayenne. Pouring cayenne into my eyes scares the crap out of me LOL...I have read some great testimonials however.
I wondered about this, too. I mentioned it, though and I think it was Wombat and Trap both said they wouldn't dare put cayenne in their eyes. It sounded great, though. I read that it'd been reported to have cured some people's glaucoma.
Obviously it will burn, they tell you that, but it is short lived. Again I've read some great testimonials but who knows. If I do get up the nerve it will be in a very diluted dose LOL
I spend WAY too much time on the PC and that is no doubt what has caused my eyes to go downhill. I actually have the Bates book, just need to read the damn thing!! LOL..I hear it works. I hear palming is great...I tried it once or twice and my eyes definitely felt more relaxed. I wore contacts for about 20 years but bagged them about 7 years ago. Nothing like having to put reading glasses over your contacts to read LOL
I was just telling somebody else this in io supp yesterday. If you wear an eye patch when ya sleep, it triggers your third eye to go to sleep and helps ya get into a much deeper sleep!
Funny I remember my sis having something similar....I'm sure I have one of those old farty thin socks I used to wear with my farty suit when I had a farty job
And then, when you're done, soak in water for 5 mins. throw in microwave, cook on high for 3 mins. Douse with soy sauce and ketchup. Voila! Bachelor's din-din!
Telly - have you done any vitamin D? Yes, we're both D deficient, it's true. And we're both night owls - so mag & D are necessary - course we need to be getting them the right way...Wommie is right.