My girlfriend has been going through a really bad and tough time. For about the last 4 days, she is constantly coughing. It mainly happens at night, after she takes a shower and gets ready for bed. She cant sleep at all. She may get a hour in if she is lucky, but she just coughs like crazy and its scaring me. She is about 11 weeks pregnant. They told her to try sudefed or robitussin, but its not helping. She is coughing like crazy now and its 3am. Im scared this could lead to a serious issue with the baby with this stress, or even something to physically hurt her. I mean it just doesnt stop she is coughing and coughing. I have read online where some woman have went through this some have died. She says she doesnt really feel like she has a cold, just a little bit. By the way, she just said her throat hurts, and this only happens at night when she gets in the bed for sleep. During the day she does not cough, at work she is fine, but when she tries to sleep, thats when everything goes crazy, and she cant sleep. She said she is afraid that she has bronchitis? Is that something that happens only when you sleep? Please please help