Odd that this should be posted in NDE. I had an NDE in the dentist at around age 6, later had some kind of experience similar to this:
The first experience was just above my body looking down as the dentists failed to bring me round after gas, I heard a throbbing noise and was drawn towards a spiral of light, but later ended up back in the chair.
The second experience was more like the the "You've been tangoed" advert, except it was rather whitey-blue and I was lying in bed, not drinking a fizzy drink! But the aftermath was rather puzzling, and I still don't think I understand it fully today. I can't while I am human, that's what I feel.
The experiences were quite different in nature, the first was very emotionless and had no distortion to what I understand to be time, the second was infinite emotion and a sense of timelessness.
Anyway, Willow told me about the Shack, and I listened to it on audio (it's under 5 dollars , so no excuse guys). All I can say is that William Paul Young knows A LOT.
Oh and I am not at all a Christian. I hate churches and religion. I am just me, and hate labels.
So there