P .O. Box 57 5
Trona, Calif . 9356 2
Dear Independent :
The "Science of Integrity " book is a book on standard basics . It is a book with all
of the Scientologese terms removed and replaced with plain English . We are getting
away from what is nowScientology and I could be sued for using Scientology terms as they are all trade marked and/or copyrighted . This is a book any independent can hand to someone and say that this is what I believe without apologizing for the Church ofScientology .
All sales of this book go to the Religious Freedom Trust . All trust profits will go
towards publishing more books and towards legal funds for those in litigation against the Church. One dollar for each book sold will be donated to the F .A .I .R. class action suit against the Church. Eventually Trust funds will be used for religious research . The Religious Freedom Trust will remain a non-profit organization . It is strictly for you.
If everyone will put just 1/2 hour towards selling these books we will all win .
LRH made millions from selling books . If we can get the independents behind this
book and sell lots of them we will be on our way towards having a method by which the independents can fully finance their defense against the Church . This one book will not do it, but I have a number of others and probably you know someone who has unpublished notes or books . We will be glad to publish them and pay a reasonable
royalty . In this way we (all independents) can sell lots of books and have funds for
legal defense and eventually research. I've spent hundreds of hours and thousands of
dollars, won't you spend just 1/2 hour ?
The retail sales price .of this book-is $5 .95 . 10% discount on orders of three o r
more, 20% discount on orders of 6 or more, 30% discount on orders of 15 or more, 40 % discount on orders of 25 or more, and 50% discount on orders of 100 or more . Shipping
is $2 .00 for the first book plus 25 cents for each additional book . One dollar will be
donated to F .A .I .R . for each book that is sold in the Loa Angeles area or any other area as a direct or indirect result of this letter .
This book (Science of Integrity) is good, but there will be better ones and there
will be great ones . But we do have this book now. This is a vehicle by which the
independents can have necessary financing . We all need your support .
Sincerely ,
Jim V. Humble