Hi Ya'll,
"I" Cured this or that !
Who do "WE" think "WE" are "Fooling" when "WE" decide "WE", "I", ME", are able
to Cure anything?
Yet, many folks seem impressed with their "small" bit of knowledge, to the
extent that they Proclaim that "I" Cured this or that Sickness and or Disease !
"WE" are "Only" "Fooling" ourself when "WE" proclaim this kind of "Foolishness"
Because the most "WE" can Honestly lay claim to is that maybe "WE" have been
priviliged to learn enough to take Personal Responsibility for our own Healing
and learned to provide our body the needed Alkaline Minerals it needs to be able
to Heal by the very Nature of our Creators Design that our own body operates by!
Of course those who have Rejected their own Creator may have "NO" problem with
thinking they were someone Greater than they may really be !
It seems that Lucifer the Greatest Angel got this problem of getting a Head
Bigger than what he really had, thus was cast down from Heaven as Satan the
Devil himself to deceive mankind who would Reject his own creator and also get a
Big Head !
The best "WE" can do is learn to take Personal Responsibility for our own bodys
and supply it what it needs to be able to Heal by our Creators Planned Design,
which is already in place and regulates according to our "Every" choice, Good or
Bad !
Cause and Effect !
"WE" are what "WE" Eat !
As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be !
Smile Tis your choice.