Hi! I am now completing my sixth fast supervised by FCI over the past five years. I decided to google it tonight because I like to read about it from time to time and I saw your question and I then decided that I could give a response because so much of my life I have given over to this thing, this fasting! FCI and Dennis Paulson are the real deal, no B.S. -- that is the bottom line. He has designed a program that matches with all of the centers that you can go to that will assist you in fasting while you stay there. They are all over the world, but the FCI program has been adapted for the home. I have almost no relationship with FCI at this point: Dennis supervised or coached me on my first fast strictly through the emails that he sent in response to my questions and since that time I have not communicated with him at all. About once per year for the past five years I go on a forty day juice fast as prescribed by him in the first encounter that I had with him. It is actually quite specific, defining exactly what I should do each day. It is so well designed that I have found that if I follow it, I do not need any supervision while I am under it. There are several elements to the fasting that make it work -- it really isn't as simple as just "not eating". Among those elements are: 1) daily FRESH potassium broth (I make it myself in two-day batches) 2) "transition in" and "transition out" periods. In my case I take five days for each, so the fast is actually only thirty days. During the transition in period, you are essentially weaning yourself off food and caffeine and during the transition out period, you are re-instating your bowel movements which cease while you are fasting 3) daily enemas: these are the hardest for people to get their mind around, but I have come to believe that these are critical to my success -- detoxifying your body is the real goal here and by doing this you are accelerating that process, 4) liquid multi-vitamins: I believe that this is required for you to survive an extended fast. Finally, let me say that. while I am fasting, I sleep like a baby, I only feel hungry the first few days, I am very alert, I am more aware of everything, and I love the results as far as weight loss because I tend to overeat the rest of the year. I am fifty-two years old and I am six feet tall and I live in New York and I weigh 185 post fast. Most fasts I lose 20-30
pounds to get to that weight. (This means that I am able to gain that amount the rest of the year!!!) This yo-yoing may be "bad" for my health, but it still has to be better than being fat all the time. And I have been detoxifying my body through these fasts . . . I recommend FCI!!