From reading your post, I gather that you may have already taken a look at the Cancertutor information on Hydrazine Sulfate. If not, here is the link:
Should you decide to use Hydrazine Sulfate, which evidently does help stop cachexia in the liver, you will note that the suggested protocol must be followed closely and that there are a number of things one should not take along with Hydrazine Sulfate.
The oleander, especially in the form Sutherlandia OPC which contains 20% Sutherlandia Frutescens (the South Africa Cancer Bush, which itself appears to help with wasting), should help. So should Inositol/IP6. And both of them should help eliminate the tumor, which is the best way to stop cachexia, which is a wasting away of non-fat cells in the body, such as the liver cells themselves and skelatal muscle cells.
Since your father has cirrhosis and primary liver cancer, it is essential that he take measures to help cleanse, protect and regenerate his liver. Both colon cleanses and gallbladder/liver flushes are important to cleanse the liver and provide a pathway for the toxins that will be flushed. Begin with a colon cleanse and then proceed to the liver/gallbladder cleanse. Repeat the liver/gallbladder cleanse once every three months or more often.
Coffee enemas help open up the bile ducts and keep the bile flowing. It is essential in my opinion to get lots of healthy oils, especially coconut oil, fish oil and olive oil, to help keep the bile ducts open. Fish oil has specifically been shown to help with chachexia. Avoid fish oil that contains cod liver oil - the best choice would be Krill Oil.
Milk thistle is an absolute must. The German E Commission (the equivalent of our FDA) has stated that milk thistle is proven effective at both protecting and regenerating the liver. Milk thistle was combined with alpha lipoic acid, selenium and healthy dietary and lifestyle changes to reverse liver damage in the limited Berkson Study on three women who were facing either liver transplants or the horrific and largely ineffective interferon chemo treatments.
Turmeric (curcumin) is another helpful supplement which helps regulate bile flow and fights cancer as well. Take with a bit of black pepper and the coconut oil to increase absorption.
Beetroot juice is particularly good for the liver and bile flow.
Jon Barron's Blood Tonic is good for cleansing the blood and liver and is a cancer fighter as well.
Another good addition might be cayenne pepper tincture - especially the tincture made by CureZone member unyquity .
Is your father taking iodine? Iodine, selenium and magnesium are three vital minerals for fighting cancer.
For more information, see:
Thanks for the input. I like your website.
Here is what my friend Webster Kehr (who like Hydrazine Sulfate) has to say at CancerTutor regarding cautions:
Foods containing tyramine are (mainly) aged, fermented, or pickled, such as most cheeses (except cottage cheese, cream cheese, and fresh Mozzerlla), lunch meats, hot dogs, yogurt, wines and beers. Here is a pretty good list of foods that contain tyramine:
(Note: there is absolutely no accurate list of what foods have tyramine. One site says raspberries and grapes do have them, and another site says they don't. The bottom line is if the cancer patient gets headaches, then it is highly likely they are eating something with tyramine in it. Start eliminating foods in the same food categories as in this list.)
Barleygrass (perhaps the highest percentage of all according to Dr. Duke, but he doesn't list other grasses), which would exclude all barley supplements,
Dry and fermented sausage (bologna, salami, pepperoni, corned beef, and liver),
pickled herring and salted dried fish,
broad beans and pods (lima, fava beans, lentils, snow peas, and soy beans),
meat extracts,
yeast extracts/brewer's yeast, beer and ale, red wine (chianti, burgundy, sherry, vermouth),
fruits listed by Dr. Duke (oranges, tangerines, lemon, grapefruit),
some fruits (bananas, avacados, canned figs, raisins, red plums, raspberries, pinapples),
cultured dairy products (buttermilk, yogurt, and sour cream),
caffeine (coffee, tea, and cola drinks),
white wine, port wines, distilled spirits,
soy sauce, miso, peanuts, almonds,
beef or chicken liver, herring,
meat tenderizer, MSG (Accent),
pickles, and
pumpkin seeds.
In general, any high protein food that has undergone aging should be avoided. Also, any over-the-counter cold or allergy remedy should also be avoided."
Here is the warning from Walter Last:
Here is the warning of Dr. Gold, developer of Hydrazine Sulphate:
In summary, the following things should not be taken with Hydrazine Sulphate:
alcoholic beverages
barbiturates and tranquilizers (e.g. Thorazine, Compazine, Xanax, Valium, Dalmane, Ativan, Restoril, Halcion, Nembutal and Seconal, to name but a few)
sedatives in doses greater than 100 mg per day, especially benzodiazepines and phenothiazines
other agents that depress the central nervous system, such as morphine
foods with tyramine
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C in daily doses above 250 mg (from all sources)
Of course, in addition to all of these things, foods high in glucose should be avoided.
Finally, hydrazine sulphate should be taken in exact doses. Overdosing can do more harm than good.
Let me say that again:
I do not know all that much about hydrazine sulfate, but I would say best to err on the side of caution,
That is a question that is probably best answered by my friend Webster Kehr, the CancerTutor guy. I sent him a private email a few minutes ago and will let you know when I get a reply.
(personally, I would break the law to ease a relative's suffering, but that's just me...)
I like the way you think.
Marijuana would definitely be worth considiering I believe. I know that it helps relieve pain and increase appetite for people with cancer and other conditions.
I thought that the way I think* was pretty much just a pain in your ass!
Yes, but a caring pain in the ass whose heart is in the right place and those count for major points.
And I really do appreciate your knowledge and expertise.
*quite skeptically when it comes to claims that aren't supported with evidence
Until our government changes the rigged rules about what constitutes accepted "scientific" evidence for non-patentable alternatives and funds or helps fund studies that are completely free of mainstream influence and bias there will always be a dearth of evidence when it comes to natural alternatives.
The case of bitter melon is a stark example. Despite the fact that bitter melon has had hundreds and hundreds of studies which verify it's effectiveness in treating diabetes and high blood pressure, the FDA nevertheless raided a company that made bitter melon tea, seizing its products, computers and other equipment and shutting it down, for daring to post links to such studies and claiming health benefits because by the FDA's very arbitrary and mainstream medicine serving definition, ONLY a product which has gone through the FDA trial process at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars can make health claims about any physical condition. What utter hogwash and how many lives has that cost?
Until such glaring problems are corrected we will often have to fall back on mere scientific studies and historical successful use.
Personally, I would rather take something natural that many others have taken successfully than a lab created synthetic not found in nature and known to have side-effects that will lead to the use of still more drugs and turn me into another profit center for mainstream medicine's system of managed illness.
Good info! I like suma a lot. Here is a wealth of information about it: