actually there is a connection between the vagus nerve and PVC's. From my experience if the lining of the stomach is irritated in any way this in turn will trigger PVC's, especially after eating or drinking acidic foods. Over the counter Maalox should stop the PVC's within minutes but won't cure the lining so they will return. If you are not allergic to honey try taking one teaspoon of pure honey immediately when you feel them and about 15 minutes before bedtime. If no reactions occur from the honey I recommend a teaspoon every 4 hours or so. Do not eat or drink anything for at least one hour after taking the honey. The honey will act as a natural
Antibiotic and promote healing within a matter of 2-7 days as long as you do not eat anything crunchy or drink anything acidic like juices, cokes, or alcohol. After 7 days you should be back to your old self again. It is very important you do not cheat on any of the above otherwise healing will not occur. Make sure you keep your bowels moving too. This is very important. Take an over-the-counter fiber supplement daily for the next 7 days also. Benefiber or Metamucil will work fine every evening about an hour and 30 minutes before bed. Allergic reactions to honey include headaches, dizziness, rash, and there are more severe symptoms. Do a search on the internet for more info if you have not eaten honey before just to be safe. Also, a chest x-ray should show if there is any structural damage to the heart.
Good luck!
Johnnie D. Jackow Sr - Total Body Fitness
Fitness Expert/Author
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