For years I have felt some type of discomfort on my right pelvic area. I have had two sonograms peformed(one internal and one external)with 2 different Drs about 3 years ago and was just told I had ovarian cysts, was prescribed BC pills.
I stopped taking pills last January(trying to get pregnant), the discomfort is back. About a year ago, I began experienced pain during intercourse and some bleeding, I went to my Gyn and she suspected chlamydia, so she went ahead and did my annual(STD testing, etc) but everything came out fine> just received some medication for a bacterial infection. In Sept I had a similar occurence, pain and then bleeding but this time it was a day after I ended my period. I went back to the Dr they did STD test again, everything was fine. She told me to stop being paranoid, that I the pain can be from my cysts or sometimes its something internally else(gas,intestines, etc). That I have been complaining about a pain on my right side for years and all they could find were the cysts. Yesterday morning I had another occurence, the pain and bleeding. Sorry if I am a bit graphic, but it always happens during intercourse, I happen to be on top and suddenly I feel a sharp pain.
After this time, I am going to go to different Gyn soon. Yesterday I was talking to a friend and she told me she had ovarian cysts too and they began hemoraging and they were causing here pain, from what she described, it sounds like my symptoms. Could this be it? Like I said, I will be going to another Dr just to get things checked out and get a different opinion, but I am going to have to wait until January, so I just wanted to post this here and hopefully someone could shed some light, or share similar experiences, thanks.