When I fast, I fast openly. A coworker said he doesn't know how I survive not eating. He eats pie for breakfast. Yes, pie. He also has severe stomach problems and says doctors can't figure out what in the heck is wrong with him. He's open to holistic approaches but had done some research and was not impressed. The areas he researched are not areas that I subscribe to either.
Today we went on a dive together and somehow that came up so I took the opportunity to discuss with him in more detail. He told me why he wasn't impressed and I agreed. I told him why I also thought that approach was flawed and the basic premise of fasting. He said it made sense. I also sent him a link from to Dr. Shelton's book. Once explained, fasting made instant sense to him - he says when his dog isn't feeling well, she stops eating. Yup, nature knows best, imagine that.
I'm glad. I feel that because of have the strength (or maybe the complete lack of shame) to fast openly, some people become used to the idea and one or two even begin to see the merits. It pleases me that I can show by example a better way, especially if it causes someone to make major changes that will save them from something like lifetime chronic digestive distress bad enough for prescription pain meds.
Anyway, Happy Holidays everyone!!!