The favorite recipe idea is great - unfortunately for me nothing like this exists... :)
I've been telling myself that juice is good, healthy, healing etc, but I can't seem to like it at all - unless it's mostly fruit juice.
Now with my candida it's better to juice greens, no fruits at all - now that is something! I take it like medicine, it's so bad...
Any ideas how can I make collard greens or beet greens tastier??? :) My husband just smiling when I start to wash my greens to be juiced - I feel like a bunny... :)
I started to put ginger in it - better, but I never liked spicy taste...
Also I had a weird experience with beets: I made juice including 1 head of beet (as it's great for the liver)and I got so sick to my stomack, I had to lay down for 15 minutes, I was dizzy, shaky - I tried it next day with different veggies and fruits but the same amount of beets - same result.
Can anyone tell me why did it happen???