Hello there
I was diagnosed with HIV 8-9 years ago . I was put on med for a year but could not tolerate them so i stopped them although my blood tests were good , but i was feeling awful.
Then i started using different alternative stuff and although i had no prob my cd4s were getting lower and lower and my virus load got higher . A year ago my virus load was up to 110,000 copies and cd4s 220( can't recall cd8's ) .
Then i started using Clark's protocol as she has outlined in her book 'The cure of HIV/AIDS ' .It took me about half a year to get all the items and do exaclty what she says there .
I had a blood test last week and virus load is now only 13,000 .That's a huge drop ! My cd4's are also up but the cd4/cd8 tatio still low . I had also low white blood cells and red blood cells and now all of them are back to normal now .
My doctor is now intrested in what i do and listens to me .
I use a frequency generator and plate zap the blood , thymus and bone marrow mainly using a variety of frequencies . I also use the 3 herbs of Clark's protocol and some other supplements .
I have learned and use the syncrometer ( which is not so difficult as people say if you practise every day ) and can test for toxins and pathogens .It is a big help .
Plate zapping seems to be much more effective than regular zapping .
I am vey fond of the ultimate zapper too and a friend of mine has the parazzaper and that also looks very good .
I have also switched to a 100% raw food diet and i feel and look better than when i was 18 .
But i still found dyes and toxins in my cd4's and cd8's .That may be the reason for the low cd4/cd8 ratio . I will use now homeographic drops to remove them .
I am going also to start taking the sutherlandia
OPC herbal cancer cure .
I will have another test on Feb and now aiming to a negative PCR .
Will post the results here !