Hi Ya'll,
How many folks have heard the Doctors telling us we need Potassium, but seem to forget to tell us that we also need the Rest of the Alkaline Minerals in Balance to each other?
What does this have to do with our Adrenals?
Our Adrenals may control the body's reaction to stress and affect blood pressure, heart rate, sweating and blood sugars among other things? In other words when our Adrenals are Sick and Diseased because of a Lack of needed Balance of Alkaline Minerals, so becomes the rest of our body !
Some easily recognized symptoms of Adrenals being Sick and Diseased:
1. Inability to concentrate
2. Excessive fatigue
3. Nervousness & irritability
4. Mental Depression & Anxiety
5. Excessive weakness
6. Lightheadedness
7. Faintness & fainting
8. Apprehensions
9. Insomnia
10. Premenstrual tension
11. Cravings for sweets
12. Allergies
13. Headaches
14. Poor circulation
15. Blood Sugar problems
16. Blood pressure problems
17. Low stamina
18. Low self-esteem due to low energy output
19. Joint Aches & Pains
20. Poor Digestion
21. Constipation and diarrhea problems
22. Muscle weakness
23. Lowered resistance to Infection
24. Poor body temperature control
25. Nausea & vomiting
26. Loss of appetite
27. Dizziness on standing up
28. Hair loss
29. Skin Discoloration and or pigmentation
30. And the list goes on
So what about Potassium and Sodium and their affect on the adrenals?
The adrenals need both, but when the Potassium Levels get too High to the Sodium and Calcium & Magnesium and other needed Alkaline Minerals this may Cause Sickness and Disease unto Death !
WHY is this problem of Too much Potassium so much of a problem in our Society today?
Most --ALL-- of the Commercial foods grown have been Fertilized with too much Nitrogen and Potash Fertilizers, thus Causing Poor Quality foods to be grown which have Funny Protein(NPN) in the form of Potassium Nitrate !
What is the problem with us eating foods containing Potassium Nitrate?
Potassium Nitrate may Cause our Blood to be Un-able to carry Oxygen !
How long can we Live without Oxygen???????????????????????
Is it any wonder WHY so many folks who think they are eating healthy by eating more Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are Sick and Diseased instead?
It is the Poor Quality of the foods we have to eat that is making many folks Sick and Diseased, aside from folks choosing to eat too many other Junk foods !
How can we learn to Select foods that have less NPN?
We may buy a refractometer and use it to test the foods we eat to help determine the Quality or Lack of Quality in the foods we generally eat !
Then we may learn to Select Better Quality foods and avoid those of Poor Quality !
What about growing our own foods? Many who attempt to grow their own gardens Lack the Wisdom on how to grow Top Quality foods, thus they use Fresh manures and or Compost from manures that is TOO High in Nitrogen and Potash, which produces Potassium Nitrate and the garden foods they end up growing are also of Poor Quality containing too much NPN ! This Causes problems with Insects wanting to eat their foods and they then may try to Poison the insects to save their garden foods that are not fit for mankind to eat because of having too much NPN in them !
Generally when garden plants look Nice and Green and the insects start eating the plants, we may know these plants have too much Potassium Nitrate in them !
Here is a Success Testimonial from prestorjohn64:
Today I had the best spinach I've ever tasted. Ok, so maybe I'm biased, since I grew it myself, but it really was very sweet and delicious, and I just ate it straight from the garden it tasted so good. I used the fish emulsion, BSM, gypsum, bonemeal etc. like ML suggested. There were few signs of any pests, save for a few leaves with some tiny holes.
I'm so excited I'm ready to have a big corporate farm of my own and feed this country some real food.
ML, I do hope that you continue to have the high visibility you get with curezone vis a vis this forum. I know if you were on a private forum I probably wouldn't have found you. I'll bet you have tons of supporters on here who maybe aren't so vocal. But I would just ignore the naysayers, you don't owe anyone an explanation and I don't care one way or another if what's shared isn't 100%, like you say, the devil is in the details...but your ideas about food quality and how it's affecting our health is irrefutable. I have learned so much here (an understatement) that I consider you my most influential teacher in my 15+ years of looking for answers.
I thank-you for that as well as my newfound appreciation for the complexities of nature and a deepening connection to the land. Both of which have got to be good for my health : )
Edit: doh. might be of interest that the BRIX was 15 and blurry. End his post.
Cause and Effect !
"WE" are What "WE" Eat !
Following this link one may find Many Success Testimonials providing Proof to these Freely shared ideas about learning to eat Better:
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
What is one to do to help the Adrenals with such Poor Quality food to eat?
Could this be WHY I have suggested eating Top Quality Kelps, for they may provide our bodys many of the missing Alkaline Minerals we need?
One may use the search engine on this forum to find past posts about many of these ideas, if one needs more Clarification !
Smile Tis your choice.