In February of this year, I read about iodine, and I began supplementing for an adjunct to treat/cure my Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. I noticed it working, as I started sweating and excreting oils and toxins out my back. The little growths that had started coming back disappeared. I considered it a success and continued with it. It worked.
About a month ago, I increased my
Lugol's from about 1 drop every other day to at least 4-6 every day. I had experienced chronic agitation after months of using it, and despite routine salt-loading, it did not cease. I finally began selenium, Vit. C, and magnesium, and it all ceased. Thank God for that.
About a month ago, I noticed identical red spots on my underarms. They were in the same place on each side. I asked my wife if they were my lymph nodes, but she thought they were in a different spot of the underarm. So I let it go. But today I noticed they were getting more irritated. I've wondered if it was just topical, but I only use deodorant, not anti-perspirant. I'm concerned because when I was first diagnosed, the spots were dismissed as mere large pimples/growths near my nipples (I'm a guy). Two on my body were cut out then, and topical medicine was given.
Simply put, is there something I should be aware of that other cancer survivors have experienced? Is this related to iodine? And is lymphoma much different than breast/prostrate cancers, thus needing different treatment? ALL help/imput would be appreciated.