Hi Ya'll,
It seems like most people want to always make things too complicated in life!
Life was ment to be Simple and to be Enjoyed!
What we think in our mind we then do with our body!
What we do with our body, we then become!
Why do people have so many problems with being too Acidic in the morning when they first get up?
Could it be from the life style which they have choosen to live?
Now just what kind of a life style could this be which causes the body so many problems?
What may one start thinking about differently so as to change their life style , so as to provide the greatest relief from Needless Pain and Suffering to their bodys?
Is there one single most important idea which may provide the greatest relief from Needless Pain and Suffering?
"YES" there is!
When we go to bed and sleep, our body slows down and does not recieve as much of the Alkalizing "OXYGEN" into the body as when we are awake and active!
Oxygen Neutralizes Acids!
So, a Lack of Oxygen allows for more Acids to accumulate in the body!
So, when we sleep our body does not have the ability to neutralize as many acids from the use of the Oxygen, because there is Less Oxygen to be used!
What may cause the body to need more Oxygen?
When we eat Food of "ANY" kind, this requires more Oxygen for the body!
When we eat more food which is hard to digest and or which adds Acids to our body to begin with , instead of adding Alkaline Minerals to the body, then this adds to the Burden of the body and allows the body to become too Acidic to a greater amount!
So, the old Habits which most people have taken up of eating a big meal of an even before bedtime, may be one of the Greatest blunders of all of mankind, so as to cause their bodys to become Sick and Diseased from the body becoming too Acidic in the morn and resulting in the person becomming too acidic all the time!
To correct this Great Blunder of mankind, one has to start thinking about what they must do to help their bodys, instead of continuing to walk in the well worn Rut along side the road they are now traveling!
This means we may have to make some different choices than what we are now doing!
Life is just a set of choices, and our Curses or Rewards may be because of the choices we choose to make!
YES, The choices "WE" make, not someone elses Fault!
It is as simple as being willing to make a change for the better, so we may recieve Happiness and Health!
"ALL" we have to be willing to do is to "STOP" eating any heavy meal 4-6 hours before bedtime which may cause our body to become more Acidic!!!!!!!!!!!!
Make a change to eating our biggest meal in the middle of the day , so our body may have time to properly digest the foods, and we may become Blessed for it!
Cause and Effect !
"WE" are What "WE" Eat !
Smile Tis your choice.