I see where the Factcheck.org "investigation" of Obama's proof of birth and citizenship was posted again here recently and purported to put the issue to rest. Factcheck did nothing of the sort, and in my opinion, the fact that they jumped on the story, did an "investigation" of their own and were the second sight to post the Certificate of Live Birth is suspicious itself.
The reality is that the FactFactcheck Organization has quite a conflict of interest in covering Barack Obama because they are owned by longtime Obama supporter and employer, the Annenberg Foundation which has several ties to Obama and likely others that they refuse to reveral. Obama was the first Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was a Division, or Project, of the Annenberg Foundation.
As noted, Factcheck.org, which was the second site to post the Certificate of Live Birth that is NOT the original birth certificate, though they and Obama would have you believe as much. It is also a Division, or Project, of the Annenberg Foundation.
Anyone who believes that organizations such as Factcheck do not protect their own, have private agendas, and play the scratch each others back and cover each others butts game, especially with those in the corrupt Illinois and Chigago scene, where a senatorship can be bought and sold, is living in lala land!
It is through the Annenberg Foundation that Obama met unrepentent Weather Underground member and leader Bill Ayers. Similar to the controversy over the actual birth certificate, school records and passports, the Annenberg Challenge files housed at the University of Illinois-Chicago have been locked down - after an initial promise to provide them to the media and public. Among other things, those files document an educational initiative started by Bill Ayers and chaired by Barack Obama and might shed much light on the relationship the two had as opposed to the public denials by Obama.
What factcheck looked at was NOT the original birth certificate but merely a Certificate of Live Birth created long after the original birth certificate was issued. Instead of all the blah, blah, blah over that subsequent document, why not simply release the original? Original birth certificates in Hawaii can be filed for people who were actually born outside Hawaii.
Likewise, student records can indicate whether a student ever applied for aid as a foreign born student and passports can indicate if anyone ever had one issued as a citizen of another country.
Now, none of those may apply to Obama - but if not, why not simply release the records. When something is kept private it is for a reason, and I can think of no good ones that would prevent a President of the United States proving his eligiblity with full disclosure of original documents and records.
There should be no doubts and it is easily within Obama's control to erase them once and for all. The fact that he has chosen to do just the opposite would seem damning, or at least a very justifiable cause for continued suspicion.
So, once again - why not just release the damned original birth certificate and other records? Simply stating the he doesn't have to and labeling those who want to see proof as nutcases doesn't cut it. Produce the records and the "nutcases" will be silenced. Or vindicated as the case may be. There is only ONE way to know.
Before we give him a chance to f*ck up when he takes office, how about him taking the opportunity to once and for all prove that he is eligible to take office by disclosing his original birth certificate, school records and passport.
For the umpteenth time - a Certificate of Live Birth does NOT indicate where the birth actually happened. An original unaltered Birth Certificate would. School records would show whether aid as a foreign student was ever applied for or received. And passports would reveal if someone ever traveled as a citizen of another country.
Releasing those documents would prove once and for all whether or not Obama is eligible or otherwise hiding something damaging. Not releasing them definitely proves that something is being hidden.
So, why does the man due to become President hide and stonewall? What is he hiding?
All it takes is showing us the proof to quiet the questions.
I would assume that someone in a position to know, has seen the proof that you want.
Then why will no one come and and say that they have? No person anywhere has stated that they have seen the actual original birth certificate and the it proves Obama was born in Hawaii. No one!
Even the State of Hawaii will only say that his original birth certificate does exist without commenting one way or another on whether it shows where he was actually born.
Remember, people can be born outside Hawaii and have their birth certificates place on file with the state. Remember also that Obama's grandmother said she WITNESSED his birth in Kenya. And remember that his own sister has given the name of two different hospitals where she said Obama was born.
I don't care how much anyone likes or supports Obama, there is no way one can be honest and say that there is no reason for doubt or explain why Obama has not takien such a simple step to reveal his actual original certificate and other records which could put the questions to rest.
You know very well I am not one of the Obama haters or blind right wingers here - and that I have taken exception many times to the one sided bashing. But this issue is not bashing - it is a very legitimate question which just looms larger and larger too me the more the answer is withheld and the truth hidden.
Which has exactly what to do with the fact the Obama was employed by and supported by the Annenburg Foundation?
More to the point, what does it have to do with Obama's failure to disclose and reveal original documents which could put the issue to rest.
Ex-ambassador Walter Annenberg is considered a staunch conservative who was a Nixon appointee to quite the plum ambassadorship. Ambassadors are usually appointed in return for support and favors granted. That in itself shows that the Annenbergs use political connections and play the game.
As previously noted, McCain was perfectly accepible and pre-approved by the same people who made Obama their first choice. He would never have been a successful candidate otherwise.
Enough with the smoke screens - either Obama can prove he is legitimate or not once and for all. If he fails to do so he condemns himself to forever be questioned, and why would any legitimate candidate for President ever do that?
If you or any other Obama supporter, or anyone else for that matter, can come up with a reasonable answer I would love to hear it. Something is obviously being hidden - that is the very definition of refusing to disclose. The only reason I can think of is that what is being hidden is damaging. If there is something damaging, maybe even proof of ineligibility, of someone due to become President, we need and have the right to know.