Hi, all!
For those who want to allege the progressive healing occurring at this Ask Moreless forum is placebo only, here are a few thoughts.
First of all, I understand your concern, perhaps fear. There ARE lots of placebo stories here at Curezone, and little discernment regarding which testimonials involve real progress and which are just flashes in the pan. It IS good to have some caution, because some of the treatment advocated ARE harmful.
But if one or two folks here make premature or excessive claims, does that prove everyone else here to be deceived or wrong by association?
Are you saying that deception is contagious?
Can't any of us develop accurate knowledge by cultivating our thinking ability, or does that require formal education and capital letters behind one's name?
Placebo stories usually if not always involve just an initial brief sense of improvement. I would challenge anyone who alleges that success testimonials here are placebo to examine the CONTINUING improvement experienced by many who still post here, such as myself, grz, refreshed.
Consider we are just the ones who have taken the time to stay in contact. Others who have picked up ideas here, benefited, and not taken the time to post may have similar long term progress.
Any who want to can check and see the way folks wander all about Curezone with sporadic improvements for a few hours days or weeks, trying thing after thing, then steadily improve when they make this their main foundational protocol. Just check the useername's history, like Moreless does in order to be able to help some of the newbies here!
Get out of your habitual mental rut and examine the evidence.
When you find that I have told you the truth, join us and try the Moreless protocol for yourself.
You may be pleasantly surprised!
Keep seeking, APPLYING, sharing ACCURATE knowledge in order to
Keep seeking abundant life and joy!