Hi Hans!
I'm not familiar with The Golden Seven Plus One...there are soooo many! Everyone's nutritional needs are different...the most important thing is to learn to really listen to your own body and honor what it needs. Some people do very well on a vegetarian diet...but I have seen others get really sick trying to force this way of eating because it wasn't appropriate for them. Likewise, some people don't handle face-foods well.
Blood Type Diet has been beneficial for many people. I don't follow it closely, but have found it very intriguing that many of the foods that I do well with or don't tolerate are consistent with those recommendations.
The Metabolic Typing Diet is also excellent...see for more info on this book and Dr. Mercola's comments about it.
Regardless of what diet you follow...fresh, whole, organic foods are always the best...and virtually anyone can benefit from reducing or avoiding sugar, dairy and flour products...the 'whites'... and eliminating processed foods and any artificial this or that.