Hi Grz,
Your post: Louis Kervran
Answer: Where most of the Educated folks have missed the boat in trying to figure out this info is that they have overlooked the Fact that Plants do not utilize Matter to make more Matter !
Matter is built by Plants using Electro-magnetic Energy, which most of it may come from the Electro-magnetic Energy Spectrum:
What does this mean?
It may mean that a plant may take the unseen and un-measured Electro-magnetic Energies from the Electro-magnetic Energy Spectrum and form Matter of which Calcium and or any other Mineral may become formed into it's from this Electro-magnetic Energy !
The opposite of Plants forming New matter is this:
Hi Ya'll,
For the "Beginning" and the "End" of "ALL" Life in the Universe is
controlled by the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles !!!!!!!!!
"ALL" Sickness and Disease is "CAUSED" by the condition of the "Live Matter"
becomming too "ACIDIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is "MATTER", so when it becomes too Acidic, this
"Causes" -----------"ALL" "Disease"----------- and "Matter" begins it's
Break down and "Decay" and "Matter" becomes "Released" back into
Electro-magnetic Energy again !
"Nothing" is Gained or Lost, it "ONLY" changes it's form !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.