Hi Ya'll,
People try many things in the search for Healing !
Many times folks just try something because someone else said it was Good for them, so they try it without considering if it may or may not be so?
If what everyone was telling you was correct, then "WHY" are so many folks still Sick and Diseased?
Could it be that most folks do not have the Least idea what Real Health is all about?
How could this be?
Could it be that most folks have been Deceived into believing False ideas?
Surely it could not be so?
Could it be?
Let us look at the idea of Juicing Fresh fruits and Vegetables?
"WHY" surely this must be a Good idea?
What could possibly be wrong with this idea?
After all these are fresh fruits and vegetables?
Then "WHY" do some folks who go to a Raw Diet using lots of juices still run into Health problems?
There must be some Reason?
For "WE" all know that Raw Fruits and Vegetables Juiced are Best for anyone?
Or could "WE" be Wrong about this idea?
Could it have anything to do with what the Quality of the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables is to begin with, which may determine if it is going to be Healthy for "US" or Cause "US" more Sickness and Disease?
Surely Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Juice could not make "US" Sick?
Could It?
Could it be that when the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are of Top Quality, that then they may be Very Healthy for "US"?
But, that when these same Fruits and Vegetables are of Poor Quality of Low Brix readings, thus Lacking the needed Alkaline Minerals , thus having too much Funny Protein(NPN) in them, that this may Cause them to be Dangerous for our Health?
Surely this could not be so?
Could it?
And then these Poor Quality Fruits and Vegetables will also have Simple Sugars in them, which are Lacking the needed Alkaline Minerals to make the Sugars into a Complete Complexed form, which would be Healthy for us !
Buy yourself a Refractometer and Prove it to yourself !
Poor Quality Fruits and Vegetables will have a Low Brix reading and may add to our Sickness and Disease by eating them vs eating Top Quality Friuts and Vegetables !
As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be !
Smile Tis your choice.