Lets see how we got here in my view,first gas prices got out of hand because of speculators.
Gas prices got out of hand as the result of several factors. Speculators responded to these factors and the oil markets ended up in a bubble. They follow the markets and make their bets on the future. No speculator, in his or her right mind, thinks they can control the petroleum markets.
As many of you know I am a believer in free markets and this was definitely not the first bubble in history. We have had real estate bubbles and stock market bubbles. I can't adequately explain the psychology behind them but, a good explanation on what fuels it is - buyers buy more in fear of higher prices and sellers tend to hold back in hope of higher prices. The first free market bubble that I heard of was "tulip mania" and that occurred during the 16th century.., I think?
Beware of market bubbles because more will occur in the future. There will be many people who will be just plain wrong around the top of the bubble as there was irrational exuberence during the stock market and real estate bubbles.
...the oil markets ended up in a bubble...
Maybe we should move over to the Conspiracy Forum. According to Lindsey Williams, this is not the case. The elite international bankers are the real money makers on the selling of crude, more so than the oil king pins. Williams has implied that there is an office in New York and an office in London, between these two is decided what price oil will be purchased from the OPEC nations. Among these nations Iran is a thorn in the side of those that have a NWO agenda. This is because to better control the oil situation and manipulation of the flow of wealth, the elitist central bankers need to have petroleum traded in U.S. dollars [at least up to this point in time]. Iran, the third largest oil producing nation in the world, and one of seven countries in the world that does not have its monetary system controlled by a central bank, has been moving away from trading in U.S. dollars for some time now. Iraq was another country that was making contracts for oil with other nations to be traded in currencies other than $$$$. It was also another one of those seven countries. You can see what happened to Iraq. The concern was that if Iraq and Iran were moving away from the dollar, then the possibility would be that others may follow suit. Meaning less control over their NWO agenda.
So Lindsey says that price of oil is being manipulated by international bankers to be set at $50 to bankrupt Iran, as that country needs to have oil set at $90/barrel. The thing is that the international bankers have no allegiance to any nation in particular. I would say that the oil company executives are the same. They only have allegiance to accumulating huge amounts of wealth. So if the U.S. dollar gets tanked in the process, then so be it.
OK, now think about it. The Oil Companies have been reporting record profits for the past several periods. Perhaps these was an agreed engineered ploy between the bankers and the oil execs. So that they could be assured of sitting in good shape while the NWO attempted to take down Iran with low oil prices later, meaning - this present moment.
What we may be actually witnessing is a major covert operation in shifting the financial center of the world. No longer will New York be the center of finance in the world. It is being moved to Asia. And along with it a new monetary currency to be created by the central bankers. As has been going on behind the scenes of the meetings of the G-20.