Gringo is the wrong caste.RB
90% of all computer jobs in the US are going to H-1B visa holders. To understand what an H-1B visa is, check out the essential Zazona
There is need for few, if any, H-1B jobs in the US.
We are allowing around 200,000-350,000 H-1B's into the US every year, mostly from India to work in computers, but also in many other fields, such as school psychologist, long-haul truck driver and just about every job you could possibly imagine. Some of the jobs that have been filled via guest worker programs are
* Accountants
* Administrators
* Executives
* Managers
* Administrators
* Software Programmers
* Computer Scientists
* Any type of Engineer and Technician you could imagine
* Research Associates
* Scientists
* Lawyers
* Tax Analysts
* Teachers
* College Professors
* Postdocs
* Fellows
* Sports Instructors
* Physiologists
* Doctors
* Nurses
* Med-Techs
* Therapists
* Pharmacists
* Surgical and Dental Assistants
* Fashion Models
* Secretaries
* Clerks
* Architects
* Musicians
* Artists
* Youth Counselors
* Day Care Workers
* Cashiers
This whole program and all of its various evil twins are about cheap labor and nothing else. There is no shortage of workers in any capacity in America.
Since 1990, the laws of economics have been overturned in the US. This coincides with the introduction of the H-1B program and its babies. Formerly, businesses hired when business was good and laid off when business was bad. In economics, that is called "normal".
H-1B turned that upside down and introduced something called "churning". This is where profitable businesses both massively fire and massively hire workers with no relationship at all to their profits.
This is what happens:
Suppose business at company A is going like gangbusters. Paradoxically, the company is laying off huge numbers of workers. At the same time, they are hiring huge numbers of workers to replace them.
What's the catch? All of the fired workers are Americans. All of the hired workers are H-1B's, mostly from India. This is churning, and it has been going on the US for 17 years now. Both parties support the H-1B madness to the absolute hilt!
Need to import agricultural and blue collar workers? Just get an H-2B or H-2A visa for them.
Need to import workers for your educational or government enterprise? Just get a J-1 visa for them.
Feel like importing Canadians or Mexicans for anything whatsoever? No problem, just get a TN (NAFTA) visa for them.
People wonder why those of us on the Left hated NAFTA and have opposed all of its attempted children. This is one excellent reason.
The fact that NAFTA caused a lowering of wages and a loss of jobs in the US, Canada and Mexico is yet another. It harmed workers and consumers in all three countries. The only people making out like bandits were businesses, in particular large businesses.
The Indian H-1B's are all brought here on visas that are stipulated as "non-immigrant visas". If they are not immigrants, what are they then? They are "guest workers", that's what they are!
The H-1B visa program quota fills up rapidly every year, leaving the US computer corporation liars screaming in paroxysms at Congress to raise the quota due to the "desperate job shortage". But there is no desperate worker shortage in that field. There are more than enough Americans to fill every single one of these jobs. No one calls the liars on it. Not one newspaper or magazine, not one politician.
In the past 6 years, an incredible 2 million of America's finest, our best and brightest, with years of education under their belts and the debts to show for it, have been tossed out on the streets like so much trash, replaced by inferior scabs from India.
I have heard stories like the one below before. Typically, the way H-1B works in a US computer corporation is this:
At first a few Indians are brought in. American workers are made, in abject humiliation, to train their replacements. This is akin to forcing a man to help his executioners prepare themselves for his own execution.
The opinion of most US tech workers is that these Indian tech workers are not very good. Most of them have been through a sleazy, corrupt 6-month program to get some "Masters of Computer Sciences Degree". A 6-month degree, with no prerequisite, that costs a whole $40! A 3-week training course in India is dishonestly written up as 4 years of experience.
The Indian H-1B's can't cut it, so the Americans have to make up for them. Or the Indians start to wreck the shop with their incompetence, but the management could care less.
The Indian H-1B's are almost all liars. They are some of the most dishonest people in this country. Show me an Indian H-1B, and I will show you a shameless, continuous, venal liar. Management knows they are lying all the time, but does not care.
Indian H-1B's tell the US government and their employer that they have a Master's Degree in Computer
Science and that they 4 years of experience. The government and the employer both know the H-1B is lying; it's only a 6-month degree and he only had 3 weeks of experience, but neither cares.
An INS investigation of H-1B's revealed outrageous levels of fraud - 47% of H-1B's had faked credentials, experience or other essential facts. Most of the body shops are actually breaking the law via tax scams. This is one more way that American businesses cannot compete. Further, the body shops file the visa for one job and then reselling the employee as contractors.
After a while, the management, for some reason, fires the American supervisor. An Indian supervisor is now brought in the supervise the American-Indian mixed workforce. The Indian supervisor, either acting on management's order or through sheer ethnic chauvinism, begins to slowly fire all of the American workers.
He replaces them all with his Indian compatriots. Before they are terminated, each American is asked to train his Indian replacement. Most American workers training their replacements are shocked at how unqualified the Indian is for the job.
Whatever the motivations for this game, it smells like Indian ethnic warfare waged against non-Indian Americans through and through.
Indian H-1B's, unlike most scabs, have a large public relations industry in back of them, flush with cash. This industry gets charged up every year, along with the computer corporation liars, to squawk about the hallucinatory worker shortage.
Further, the Indian H-1B's themselves, being fairly intelligent, are known to pitch their case on the Net. Typically, the Indian liars say that any American who lost his job to an Indian scab is a "loser" who "could not cut it" and got fired to be replaced by his superior Indian replacement. He is urged to go out and hit the pavement in search of another job, no matter that 90% of them are reserved for foreign scabs.
The Indians below do not represent all Indians. The Indian H-1B scabs coming here are almost all Hindus from the upper castes. As such, they are the shock troops of the fascist Hindutva movement, since this movement appeals disproportionately to the upper castes.
These Indians either are part of the venal and wicked Indian ruling class, or they ally themselves with these parasites. At any rate, they see themselves as part of a racial and ethnic ruling class of India.
The Hindutva movement, like all ultranationalist rightwing movements, hates Western colonialism of their land. All India's problems are blamed on India's colonization by the British. In particular, Hinduism and especially the despicable caste system are upheld as the highest achievements of humanity1.
The movement is characterized by extreme hatred of Muslims and especially Muslim rule in India, which admittedly was not a picnic. The Hindutvas demand that Muslims apologize for the terror of their rule in India, but being Muslims, they never will, because Muslims never apologize for anything.
But the Hindutvas, like all ultranationalist fools, will never apologize for anything either. The hatred of the British, as you see below, extends to hatred of "the White man", as these types refer to us.
When the British came to India, they were appalled at the sickening and backwards aspects of its "ancient and glorious" religion and culture.
They banned burning women on funeral pyres after their husbands' death. They hated caste and campaigned against it. They pointed out the idiocy and backwardness of scientifically illiterate Indian "science", demanded its removal from all Indian school texts, and ordered that it be replaced by fact-based Western science.
They did impose English-language education, but that was more to kill the power of backwards Hindu religion infiltrating via language.
To the Dalits, the horribly persecuted dark-skinned "RR******RR" untouchables of South India, the British were a Godsend. To the Hindutvas, they were the worst thing that ever happened.
As you can see, and despite their colonial exploitation of India, the British did try to civilize the Indians. For this the Hindutvas will forever hate them.
The Hindutva scabs that currently infest out guest worker program are usually shockingly racist (by US White standard) towards our African Americans. About this, the US Left is utterly silent, because the only racism they care about is White racism. The Hindutvas have had lots of practice hating Blacks, with the centuries of ultra-Jim Crow the higher castes have been dealing out to their own Dalit "Blacks".*
The hatred of "Whitey" seen in many Indians comes from ruling class, upper caste and ultra-racist Hindutva scum. So, most Indians don't really hate Whites at all, and Dalits may even love Whites - many Dalits loved the British. It's more of an Indian ruling class hatred for the colonizer who shamed them and tried to take away their stupid, evil and insanely racist caste customs.
After responding recently to articles about the Indian invasion of America, I was finally encouraged to write an article about my experiences in the high-tech industry. Because of severance agreements, the names of my former company and former coworkers have been changed or omitted.
I am a computer programmer, and have been for 15 years. I worked for a company in California for 6 years, and I was the director of one of the R&D projects.
About a year ago, most of the other American employees and I were fired and replaced with people from India on H-1B and L-1 visas. The people from India were making only a fraction of what we Americans were making. I was making $110K a year; my replacement, $37K. The people under me were making about $75K; their replacements, about $29K.
To keep my severance pay, I was required to stay on for an additional six months (after the other Americans were fired) to train the replacements. This was probably the most humiliating experience of my life.
What I describe above is happening now every day.
Many of my friends in high-tech have also recently been fired, and are being replaced with cheap imported labor from India or China. Microsoft says there is a “high-tech shortage,” which is a lie. Almost every American programmer I know is now unemployed and has been replaced by a cheap import. There is not a “shortage.” Big business only wants more cheap labor.
But the story only gets better...
You would think that the Indians would be appreciative of being allowed to work in the United States, but this was very far from the case. Most of their conversations involved extreme hatred of America, Americans, and anyone of European descent.
Here are some examples of their daily conversations:
- Indians are the real “Aryans.” The Human Genome Project shows that Indians are closely related to Africans. Thus Indians and Africans are the real “Aryans.”
- All people of European descent (i.e. all whites) must be exterminated.
- Blond hair and blue eyes are inferior traits. By the year 2090, all people with blond hair and blue eyes will either be bred or executed out of existence.
- One day India will invade and take over. It is India’s destiny to rule over Whites.
- Christianity is a disease that can only be cured with a bullet.
- Although most of the Indians were Hindu, a few were Muslim, and they were quite openly fond of Bin Laden.
The Hindus, however, seemed to hate white Americans just as much as if not more than the Muslims. On this they could agree.
And then there is the story about Praveen.
Praveen, a Hindu from Northern India, was often very “touchy” with me and the other Americans. He was always shaking our hands and patting us on the backs. I noticed too that after touching me he often left “red marks” on my clothes, and on others’ clothes.
There was also a break room that only a few Americans frequented. (Indians never visited it.) And Praveen was always in there tampering with the coffee machine.
After seeing him one day pricking himself with a safety pin to make himself bleed, it all came together. He was trying to transmit his blood to others - either by direct contact or by putting it in the coffee machine.
I heard that he was HIV+ and was trying to transmit it to the Americans.
Praveen went back to India shortly after that, so no criminal action was able to be taken. But a few of the other Indians did transmit HIV to a couple of the American women - and seemed very proud of it.
Management of the company was informed of this, but they did very little to look into it. When I told our CEO that I suspected that the Indians were spreading HIV around the workers, he called me a “racist” and told me to be quiet.
I’m sure he was aware of what was going on - but simply did not care. Cheap labor is cheap labor, that that is the bottom line for big business.
The only loyalty of big business is profit, and they could care less about American workers, American values, or the well-being of the United States.
And what about the future of America?
Are we going to auction off every American job to low-paid imports until there are no good American jobs left? Are we going to let third-world hordes take over our high-tech sector until not a single American is left in any important position?
The only effective and patriotic way to stop this is by massive deportations of all the cheap labor from India and China. Otherwise, with the help of big business, we are well on our way to becoming a third-world country.
1.The relationship of Hindutva to caste is very complex. Some of the movement's leaders were against the persecution of the Dalits, but in India today, almost all upper caste Indians are strong supporters of, or at least apologists for, the caste system (my observation).
My personal experience with Indians in India who are even slightly sympathetic to Hindutva shows that almost all of them support caste-ism in one way or another.
Typically, they either deny that there is a caste problem in India (all the castes get on just fine), deny anti-Dalit violence, claim that the real problem is reverse discrimination by Dalits, claim that caste is not really a bad thing at all and in fact is what has made India great, claim that the Dalits are happy in their lot (cf: US Southerners notion that the slaves were happy in the fields), etc.
It goes without saying that the Indians in the story above are Hindutvas (note their Indian supremacism, their hatred of Whites and Christianity, etc.).
The experience of Americans working with Hindu immigrants is that almost all of them are from upper castes or the Indian middle and upper classes. Our experience has been that a huge number of these Indians are strong supporters of caste-ism, in fact, they have committed the serious crime of infecting America with their sickening system.
Our observation is that these same Indians in the US almost all hate US Blacks and at the same time hate the Dalits of India, whatever concessions Hindutva theory makes to anti-caste-ism. In India today, the upper castes who engage in massive anti-Dalit violence are often supporters of rightwing Hindutva movements.
Those wanting to allow more and more Indian Hindus to immigrate to the US need to consider how many of them are bringing their sickening and wicked caste ideology to our land.
I suggest a screening process for Indian immigrants to see to what extent they believe in caste. Those who show strong support for it should be banned from the US. Further, support for caste-ism could be a reason to deport Indian immigrants from the US. The US doesn't need caste!