Miss Helfinger
I was at a friend's house for Thanksgiving and met one of their friends, great guy, very personable. A couple hours into the evening we've been talking acupuncture, detox protocols and TCM (he's in acupuncture school). He bluntly says to me after a while 'so what's up with your teeth?' I was a little embarrassed. I thought, in that instant, that my teeth were falling apart, dirty and I wanted to run and look at them. 'Is there something in them?,' I responded. 'No. It's that they're soooo white! Do you have them whitened or is are they veneered?,' he replied.
Can you believe that?!? I bout burst into laughter and I'm sure my heart chakra just exploded. I explained to him that I'd started oil pulling months ago and how quickly the stains had fallen off my teeth...what a weird experience! We got another oil pulling taker on our hands, that's fer sure.