A Muslim is as good as their word, so I promised to bombard you with holiday recipes so here we go. Today is day one and hopefully this keeps you busy for several hours so I can go eat. I am starving. I fasted today for the third day and cooked the morrocan soup but now I want to go make my Kousimine Budwig meal, love that stuff. I am so excited about the coming holiday for me and you. Look Christmas is just 24 days away and for us Germans, 23 days away. That's right, I am one hundred percent of German Ancestery. So I am just like the Germans, friendly, stern and very opinionated. hahahhaha. Ok, there are more characteristics.
Today I focused a lot on vegans as with our animal crises in the forum we want to be kind to animal days. Happy Holidays to me, Happy Holidays to you, Happy Holidayssssssss to everyone and even Tiny Tim.