Have CHF and have been doing juicing, detox, raw vegetarian diet and exercise since 1997 (one year after they told me I needed heart transplant evaluation and they put me on an ace inhibitor and lanoxin.
I am off all medication. I use NO SALT!. Take CoQ10 (300mg/day), niacin 100mg/day, eat potassium rich foods, drink lots of freahly made vegetable juices every day and keep up with my raw veg/fruit diet. I drink lots (2-4 quarts) of distilled water a day (depending on exercise and sweating).
I do not need heart transplant evaluation anymore and live a normal life. In 1996 I could not catch a full breath and my ejection fraction is 15%.
I have done liver cleanse and have a
colonic about every 2 months.
Get your body clean and put in foods and liquids that are not lifeless and full of chemicals and "Your life will change".
Look into books by Norman Walker and Ann Wigmore.