Makes one think that the whole world is mad.
Yea, your Kenyan NoBama plans on talking to them. ROTFLMFAO
What are you afraid of?
I am afraid that there are more people out there like you that don't have a clue about the fanaticism of our enemies in the muslim world who proclaim that anybody that isn't a believer in their twisted religion has to be killed. Who shouts Death to America, and proves it by slamming two airplanes into the world trade center killing over 3000 Americans.
Blows up trains, and subways in Britain killing innocent people. Murders a couple of hundred in Mubai India for no apparent reason other than they were looking for American tourists. Blows up innocent men, woman, and children with bombs in their own country.
Are you so ignorant that you can equate the Russian situation with the muslim jihad against the west? Russia had Nukes, but so did the US. They were posturing, but knew better than to start anything. This was proven by John Kennedy with the Cuban missile crises. Russia blinked.
Get your head out of your ass. There is no talking to those a**ho**s.
Muslims did not do 911. Israel and the US did 911.
Yea, right.
That's just left wing crap against Bush. You people been throwing so much Bullsheet against the wall just to see how much sticks. Bush has less than 2 months, get a new story.
The terrorists responsible for Mumbai are not from Iran or Syria. Early reports sound like they are Indian. And if that is true, your idea of 'No diplomatic relations with those that disagre with us," is flawed.
Diplomatic relations??? Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Are you daft? The terrorists don't have any diplomats. They start cells in every country with other like minded fools who believe if they martyr themselves Allah will see to it that they go to heaven for killing innocent people, where they will have 72 virgins waiting for them. What they will do with them is something that is as laughable, as your diplomatic relations for terrorists.
You my friend are a good candidate for the "Darwin" award for stupidity.
Happy Thanksgiving.
"I guess reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I know that terrorists don't have diplomats and that was the basis for my post. rebutt your assertion that Obama would want to "talk with them."
For your information, it wasn't my assertion. My reply about talking to the terrorists came from "Blackngold" (Elvis).
He said:
"No offense Incharge, but you are full of bunk. If you can't sit down and talk with people you have disagreements with then chances are they will never be solved."
So it isn't my lack of comprehension, but you reading into my posts only what you want to reply to. I also never mentioned diplomats until you did. Get your act together, or at least attribute what was said to who said it.
What news are you referring to? Without knowing, I cannot respond.
But wait, you didn't want a response did you? You just wanted to shoot your mouth off, and run.
Pretty hard to argue with videos from multiple sources isn't it?