I hope you finish the treatment with the TCM Chris. If the medicine is cheap then I think it would be wise to finish the treatments that he's offering. If you abandoned it halfway through you may always be wondering if finishing the treatment would have cured you.
Just for info, I emailed a homeopath who gave me this reply:
""Thank you for your email.
There are a number of remedies to consider and it would depend on what else made up the picture of you as an individual, as no person is just one symptom, just as a tree is not made up of just it's leaves. One individual could have this condition where there is a connection with
Amalgam fillings. With another there could be a history of unresolved grief. Yet another person could have an aetiology of vaccinations, or suppressed skin conditions in the past ie eczema or psoriasis, and so on ......
I have only treated a small number of people with this condition successfully and it was quite a few years ago, and in each case they were women, where there was a background hormonal connection.
If you decide to go ahead with treatment with me, I would hope that by the 3rd appointment (if not before) you would already notice considerable improvement. If your improvement was under 50% I would be willing to continue to treat you for no charge via email or phone until there was significant improvement.""
After I've finished what I'm trying at the moment, I'll be looking into this as well as a TCM doctor and decide which sounds best for me