That 'quiet', peacefulness, is amazing!
I didn't know that's what well-being feels like.
And, it seems to come in 'levels'...greater, deeper, stronger each time.
At first, it was simply a greater understanding, an assuredness that I trusted the things I was doing, relief, and noticing what I want to do next.
When the 'quiet' became stronger, my amazement was almost overwhelming...I hadn't been here in a very long time.
Then it faded a bit, and I felt somewhat the 'other' way again. I had more 'issues', blockages, to work on. Still, I worked to remember the sense of return to it.
Then I needed to learn that 'downer' feelings are NOT permanent...and how to substitute the peacefulness, at will.
It's an undulating road, with unexpected curves...but the highlights are so beautiful that we can't forget them...they are what we are MEANT to be. We always return to that beauty, and more...we can't help it. That's our destination in life, I believe.
'How?' is the big question.
We may think we have to 'figure' it all out, perfectly...or we may just 'jump'...remember the feeling, and aim for it when the going gets rough.
You are doing very, very well, Rosycrayon!