Dear Sara,
I tried making a website once, I think it would make even Piccaso envious, yours looks fabulous! I greatly admire and marvel at you and what you have done to bring about change and come into harmoney with God and heal your complete being! I wish all could change in this way, and hope a good portion of those who are JUST satisfied with life and the duldrums of the day-in, day-outs, could connect like you seem to have. Its hard being around those people and trying to help them, but in turn facing someone who doesnt want to help themselves, but I digress! Not all that long ago I use to read stories where people turned themselves around, and I would be envious, jealous, and cynical. But I have changed, and hope that many see your story, and I would think that being a cause or affect, no matter how small or big, in helping just one person come into their own harmoney with the Will of God, I know would be satisfaction enough! Because even though we may fall into disarray, and ill health, and label and judge it as "Bad" or "Unwanted", but should something be condemned so? Could we ever be brought into our true vibration if it wasnt for one of these occurences, or be brought in too it AT ALL, and if upon arrival even think twice of what we went through because the ends infinitly justify any means. So if someone reads this and is ailing from something, and is down on their luck, remember, Humans need too know how far they can stoop, before they realize how high they can fly! So your site isnt done!, because I know you have a great deal more to share and offer up unto others!
PS: I cant wait to start the recipes Ive aquired off the Soup Kitchen after Im off this Post MC juice fast! I think Im gonna try that CyrusSteel shake first thing, or the banana pancakes! :D