I know how it feels to be trying one thing after the next to overcome an ongoing problem. I have been trying to cure my gut pain for the last 7 years. Over the last 3 I have been bouncing back and forth on here asking advice, even giving advice. Gradually I have further improved my condition, and now gradually narrowing down my range of symptoms in other problems.
I first heard about metabolic typing after having a hair mineral analysis done by trace elements lab. For 50 pounds, they give a report of essential elements and toxic element levels. Within the report they include a summary of your metabolic type, based on your mineral levels and a recommended supplement program. I never paid any attention to this, until a year later when I got another hair mineral analysis to measure my mercury levels. My mercury had come down, but my calcium was still ridiculously high. I looked up 'calcium shell' online which is indicated by high hair calcium. I was suffering with depression, and lack of motivation to work and chronic fatigue at the time. I started taking the recommended supplements, but got them from a different lab - dr james wilsons - Future formulations. I've been taking them for the last 3 months, and got myself a job, stuck it out, im feeling better, and my hair mineral analysis recently shows a drop from 200 to 140 in calcium. Its still far too high but its a significant improvement.
I got my hair test done from here -
good luck which ever option you choose. Im always interested in good tests.