Thank you for the information and the phone number. I may consult with you by phone vs. seeing a doctor here. I have actually found that the most beneficial things I've done to improve my health have been simple, inexpensive things I learned about on this website like liver flushing, though I know I still have a lot of chronic infection and tend towards inflammation. I'm not sure how the hormone imbalance is related to that in terms of cause and effect.
One further thought on the hormone testing - the reason I asked about it is I saw where you mentioned in another post to someone else (or I read it in your article on estrogen dominance, I can't remember) that careful monitoring of hormone levels while using natural products like progesterone cream was important for success. I think that may be why I did not have consistent results with progesterone cream before - I didn't have proper testing and careful, close monitoring of my hormone levels throughout my cycle and may not have been using the correct dosage at the correct times.
It's also possible that progesterone cream alone was not enough - I read your posting about the relationship between the ovaries, thyroid and adrenals, and I wonder if that is part of the picture for me, also. I had an ultrasound a number of years ago that showed enlarged ovaries, the gynecologist thought they were probably "chocolate cysts," i.e. endometriosis, but I did not want the laporoscopic surgery to confirm it, since I have read that scarring from that surgery can make the problem worse.
Do you think in my case testing of the hormone levels, thyroid, adrenals, cortisol, etc. is appropriate before prescribing products and dosages? I was hoping to get to the root of why my hormones are so imbalanced, since I'm concerned there will always be a problem if systems aren't working properly and things like progesterone cream may only be a band-aid on the problem, but it is still better than suffering, and if we are so poisoned by environmental exposures despite avoiding xenoestrogens as much as possible, then maybe in this toxic modern world, trying to balance with what we have available is the best we can do.
As to the nattokinase, there appear to be a lot of testimonials for this Fibrovan product for fibroids and endometriosis, apparently many women getting results, but I have not had a confirmed diagnosis of fibroids, and of course the company has a product to sell.
Thanks very much for your opinions!