I have had my mirena for about two and a half months and I have just taken it out! I have been suffering from extreme dry skin, headaches, cramps, spotting, body aches, sweats, chills, extreme tiredness, insomnia, light headedness, dizzy spells, rashes, acne, hair growth on face, hair loss on my head, mood swings, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, constant thirst, constant hunger, sweet cravings, weight gain, breast tenderness, loss of libido, constant yeast infections, dry itchy vagina, painful intercourse,feeling hopeless, feeling inadequate, and feeling like I'm going crazy! Having it inserted was so painful I thought I was going to pass out! The first month I bleed nonstop and had to take pain pills to get relief from the cramps. I have only had two yeast infections my whole life before mirena and I have had one constantly since it's been in. Sex was painful for both of us because we could both feel the mirena. Then I could no longer have sex because my vagina became so dry and cracked that it hurt to even wipe after peeing. My boobs are so sore that I can't even give anyone a hug. I started noticing red dry patches of skin on my body and I didn't realize all these things were related until I looked it up then I could not stand to have it in me another minute! I could not get a good grasp on the strings so I had to have my husband pull them with a pair of tweezers (embarrassing)! It came out easy and it did not hurt at all! How long until the symptoms reverse? I got this thing so my husband and I would not have to worry about getting pregnant while having sex. Now we can't even have sex at all! It did not hurt at all coming out and I can't wait to start feeling better!