hi I need to know if i have EC! I had peeling lower lip and swollen upper lip for 8 years. They do get white when wet but lip balms make the chapping go away but make the swelling worse. Every thing i try makes the swelling worse. But water always help or helped befor and once reverse osmosis
Water Cure d them for a day! Does this happen to any of you. After using many lip balms and steroids for about 2 months off and on my lips are sooo sensitive. They have change compleatly in shape! Will they come back to normal? Do I have EC? My main problem is the swelling on my upper lip b/c it is chapped in the middle and it swells. Oh also anything that i eat and i make shure it does not touch my lips makes the swelling worse. I went to the derm and she diagnosed me with xerosis not EC which is dry skin. Also 8 years ago when nothing would help my derm at that time said it was b/c i was mouth breathing. I do have allergies and i do mouth breath could this cause my EC? Do i have EC?