Disease [which would include cancer] is a blockage of energy
Welcome to some of the most uplifting pages of Healing Cancer Naturally! Here is a wealth of impressive articles illustrating the tremendous power of thought and emotion to create our reality (incl. our health and healing). Read among many fascinating real-life cancer healing stories the true story of a woman suffering from
Breast Cancer with a bleak diagnosis who was healed after a single session of regression (past life) therapy! Another amazing story relates a woman’s healing of terminal cancer through focus on her children’s needs, determination and love. And as if that weren’t enough - she also becomes a highly successful business woman in the process! A special mention also for the article “Is there a connection between old emotions and colon cleansing?” which proposes a fascinating puzzle piece of the mind/body connection.
Some amazing “spiritual healing” stories concerning “terminal” cases can be found on Cancer & Spirituality, and some equally astounding cancer healing reports through chi (life force energy) on Cancer & Energetics.
Detailed introduction to the link between Emotions & Cancer, including insights and studies into the “cancer personality” and the crucial role of positive emotions.
• Cynthia Rose’s Grandmother spontaneously healed of terminal cancer
by being true to herself
• Cancer: The Power of Belief I to heal or kill
• Cancer: The Power of Belief II
• The Power of Belief III: The Nocebo Effect: Placebo's Evil Twin
• “Terminal” cancer patient in constant pain heals after "changing his
mind" about pain
• Terminal cancer healed through focus on her children’s needs,
determination and love
• Ginny Walden’s Cancer Healing Miracle
• Healing and Transformation: Anything Can Be Healed (terminal cancer
self-healed through consciousness shift)
• Spontaneous remission of tumors thanks to patients working with
emotions, rediscovering life purpose and quality of life
• Quantum Biologist (How To Attract Anything To You)
• Amazing Near Death Experience Followed By Cancer Healing
• Karuna Reiki(R)- Miraculous Healing for Cancer Patient
• Chemo”therapy”/Radiation & Mind Power (Barbara Brennan Excerpt and Seth Quotes)
• Is there a connection between old emotions and colon cleansing?
Breast Cancer with bleak diagnosis healed after a single session of
regression therapy
• Man curing himself of a terrible illness with a simple one-line statement
of gratitude
Cynthia Rose’s grandmother spontaneously healed of terminal cancer by being true to herself
by Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser, October 2002, edited & published by Healing Cancer Naturally with special permission of the author
Many years ago my grandmother on my father's side was in a similar position. Her cancer had spread everywhere and she was given only a 3 to 6 months to live.
Knowing her end was near, she found the courage to stand up to my grandfather, who was a very controlling and stern man, and she refused to let him control her any longer. [My grandfather had prohibited music and dancing, and when she learned she was going to die, she defied him, saying that he couldn't tell a dying woman what to do.] They wanted to take off her leg to extend her life. She told them that if she only had less than a year to live, that she wanted her leg during that time, and she walked out of the doctor's office, went to Rich's and bought a record player and lots of Elvis Presley records and went home and danced and danced - something he had strictly forbidden. She went to the old folks home and played hymns for them on their old piano, another thing that had been forbidden. My grandmother loved Elvis so much.
Well, she just got better and better and better. She got well. Completely. It all went into remission. She outlived all my other grandparents. She lived for 20 more years, dying finally of a heart attack in the night. I remember once she took a Greyhound bus many miles to visit us to walk me to the record store, a long walk, and buy me an Elvis record. What a beautiful grandmother she was! She taught me about miracles by her own beautiful example.
There are studies showing that cancer is linked to a personality style that lives up to other people's standards instead of being true to oneself.
[Compare Cancer Personality and Spontaneous remission of cancerous tumors thanks to patients working with emotions, rediscovering life purpose & quality of life.]
The point is that no matter how advanced a cancer is, it can go into remission.
The Power of Belief I
by Peter and Helen Evans, Founders of OneCenter
“We're currently listening to a series of taped talks by Bernie Siegel, MD speaking about the wondrous powers of belief he's encountered with cancer patients.
He tells a story of a man who had cancerous tumors the size of melons in his body. The hospital was getting ready to test a new cancer drug. Even though the drug was intended for people in the early stages of cancer, this patient decided it was the drug for him, that it was going to cure him. One Friday, to get him to stop pestering the doctors, the hospital decided to give him one injection, thinking he would die over the weekend anyway and then they could get on with their intended test group. On Monday he was still very much alive. The doctors examined him and reported that his tumors had "melted like snow on a hot stove". They didn't know what happened but were delighted. Everything is going along fine for the patient until a few weeks later he read a newspaper story reporting that the drug he took doesn't show much promise for helping cancer patients. The next day he's back in the doctor's office with tumors the size of melons again.
Aware of the man's response to the first injection, his doctor thought he'd try a different experiment. He told his patient that the newspaper story was referring to an earlier form of the drug, and that he just happened to have a "new, improved" version of the medicine that the papers didn't know about. The doctor gave the patient an injection of pure water. The next day the patient's tumors had disappeared again!
Everything was fine for a few months until the patient read another report in the papers saying that the drug he thought he had been given was determined to be of no use at all in fighting cancer. The man died that night.
While this is not "scientific proof" of anything, there is a strong suggestion that the power of belief was at work.
Another point Dr. Siegel brings up is that the patients that recover haven't simply decided they "don't want to die". Rather, as we teach, they have decided to go toward something. Testimony, after testimony spoke about remarkable "cures" that happened when the patient just decided to make life worth living, or to find out what was the meaning of their life before they died. They began to move toward living, and wonderful things resulted.
Today's post is more an inspiration than a contemplation. We can all remember to make life worth living. We can look to what is already good and wonderful in our lives. For what is the alternative? We don't want to send signals to our body that life is not worth living by dwelling on what's wrong with life... it just might get the message.
We also remind you about one of our prior contemplations now published in the book, "Freedom Through Contemplation".
Whatever Works
Excerpt from a national newspaper:
"An image of Jesus Christ's face on the outside wall of a church in Guatemala City caused huge excitement among the locals and it was claimed that the image gave miraculous cures. The excitement lasted for two weeks before it was found to be a whitewashed poster of country and western singer Willie Nelson."
So what do you think caused the miraculous cures? Willie Nelson? Jesus Christ? People wanted to and DID believe. Some people "need a reason" to get well; they just can't accept that they can do it themselves and so the poster was really their "excuse" to get well.... some may have rationalized that they were following the "wishes" of God. Recall what Jesus said when the afflicted woman sneaked up and touched the hem of his robe... "Your faith has healed you."
A few weeks ago we suggested that rituals may be helpful for some of you. There is no reason for the "long, hard road" to happiness. If treatment itself works for you, use it. If a ritual will help, use it, knowing that you're using it; but allow yourself to fulfill the desire for a happy life the easiest and simplest way you know how. There is no particular virtue in the long, hard road.
One of our friends, a psychiatrist, told us that some people criticized him for prescribing Prozac at the appropriate times for some of his patients. The critics said, "it was the easy way out". He replied, "Isn't there enough suffering in the world? Why can't we make it easy for people?" We make the point that he is a very wholistic healer and makes these decisions mindfully.
There is already enough suffering. Let's give ourselves a break and learn to relax into our magnificence without bringing any more suffering into our lives through the "required sacrifices" of "long, hard work", or the "dark night of the soul".
Are you using everything you can for happiness in your life?
Please remember if you'd like to order these books, "Love, Medicine and Miracles" by Bernie Siegel, MD or "Freedom Through Contemplation" by Helen and Peter Evans, we request you use iGive.com and the bookstores within, so that OneCenter, our non-profit, can receive a portion of the purchases. Just follow this link.
Compare Cancer Healing & Your Mind.
The Power of Belief II
by Mike Beebe (reproduced by Healing Cancer Naturally with permission of the author)
... Deepak tells a story about a medical doctor who had not had a check up for 25 years. (Physician! Heal thyself!) When he was compelled to get a physical due to life insurance requirements, a large dark spot was found on his lung. It was diagnosed as inoperable cancer. The doc died a couple of months later. Some days after the funeral, Chopra was sorting through the physician's effects and came across a chest x-ray that was 25 years old. Out of curiosity, he put it up to the light and, lo and behold, there was that same dark spot on the lung! The deceased doctor had lived a vigorous life all those years and was, in effect, killed by the diagnosis and not the disease.
Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: Perhaps thís should be put more precisely as "he was killed by the power of his thoughts and feelings (beliefs) upon learning the diagnosis"... (and the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of his surroundings, of course).
Compare The Power of Belief III: The Nocebo Effect: Placebo's Evil Twin and Survival Predictions May Hasten Death.
“Terminal” patient heals after "changing his mind"
by Peter and Helen Evans, Founders of OneCenter
“A few years ago we met a fellow who having been diagnosed as terminal, had already had 13 cancer operations and was living in constant pain. After trying everything else, he meditated, tried to know himself and found when he contacted the vital mind, it was delighted with the pain, it was a sensation and the vital mind just wanted more and more and more. Guess what, "he" finally "changed his mind" about pain and is now cancer free. He did have to do a basic horizontal switch to pleasure instead of pain which was quite alright in his circumstance; now he has the pain free freedom to do his consciousness work without the interruption of operations, doctors and all the stuff that happens.
How would you like to change your "minds"?”
Compare Cancer Healing & Your Mind.
Ginny Walden’s Miracle
excerpted from The Cancer Healing Journey of A National Champion Swimmer
... when they told me I had had cancer 8-10 years I couldn't connect with the illness. I told my doctors that just because I now knew that I had cancer for ten years didn't mean I was going to stop being happy! So I began treatment with a positive attitude...
Being mystical by nature but also having an inquiring mind I was praying to the Universe that I would not have to go through treatment and was searching through alternative therapies. The doctor was strongly against this and said I would be dead if I chose alternative. That was a strong fear message and I wondered why he didn't just say "let's try everything!". He said I had an aggressive cancer and needed surgery, 3 months of chemotherapy (Adriamyicin and Taxol, a bit higher than normal dose), stem cell rescue and 6000 rads of radiation. I started praying and decided to begin acupuncture. My acupuncturist (I called him my "real" doctor) knew how to treat cancer patients. He suggested I lower my high stress levels by taking his Mind Body Stress Reduction program which entailed a little yoga, meditation and a body scan (1 hour a day). I brought my stress levels down 60%. I also chose a macrobiotic diet for
Breast Cancer (Michio Kushi, The Cancer Prevention Diet) and cut out dairy, red meats and animal fats, sugar, stimulants and foods that create mucus.
Then I went into surgery. The surgeon did not believe in mastectomy. She said cancer cells are left in the body anyway. Her specialty was large breast tumors and I am grateful for a small scar only 1.5
inches long! She took out a tumor from my right breast the size of an orange and found 21 out of 23 lymph nodes positive. She had to sever the nerve in my right arm to get the lymph nodes. I was diagnosed with a Grade 1 slow growing cancer, ductal carcinoma, Stage 3 Advanced breast cancer. I stopped chemotherapy after the first week to research more alternatives. The doctor was alarmed saying no-one stops chemo, but I insisted I needed 2 weeks to do more research on alternatives. He did say I had a slow growing cancer so I figured I could take off two weeks. But I could not find anything that would (note) convince my MIND that something other would work, so I continued treatment.
I sailed through 3 months of chemo with no nausea, a good appetite, no diarrhea and my blood counts stayed normal! I attribute this to acupuncture (balancing of CHI) and his MBSR program (also balancing CHI). The nurses were amazed that my blood counts stayed normal. Then after a short break, I started stem cell rescue. Meanwhile I made a cassette of "Don't Worry Be Happy" by Bobbi McFerrin and played it continuously daily to keep my spirits up. Stem cell rescue is a rigorous and dangerous procedure. I insisted in going as an outpatient to the clinic. I did not choose to be in the hospital because I thought I might be more vulnerable to infection there. This time they take out 5 bags of induced harvest of stem cells through a port in my neck and freeze them. Then they give me 3 High Dose Chemo drugs a day, 8 hours a day, for 2 days. After that supposedly a majority of cancer cells (IF they are there, they really can't measure) are killed off (as well as all fast growing cells like the lining of my digestive system and white blood cells!) and they give me back the stem cells, hopefully "new blood". A good plan but unfortunately many die from the procedure.
I got nauseas, fainted twice, couldn't eat, got endless nosebleeds and internal bleeding. But I laughed the whole way through it! It was so bizarre and so outside my experience as an athlete and healthy person I just couldn't relate to it. After the High Dose Chemo they give the stem cells back and it takes 10 days for the new blood to function. On the ninth day I got a slight fever. Because my white blood cell counts were below 50 (and maybe 1, since they cannot measure below 50!) I had no way to protect myself from infection so I was put into the hospital. The nurses there said it was unheard of to come in on the ninth day!
In the hospital, they told me I would be there a month and a half or two before my blood counts would rise to a safe level. I was in an isolation room with red flags on the door to indicate I was neutropoenic and vulnerable to infection. So I could not have visitors and would be alone a lot. I said to myself, I can do this, and proceeded to fix up my room. It was 10 o'clock at night. All was quiet and I went into the bathroom to wash from the sink. I looked into the mirror and I saw Tweetie Bird. I was bald for the second time, had lost 12 pounds, had dark hollows under my eyes and pale skin. In that moment a miracle happened.
My mother was unable to give me unconditional love. When I was 2 months old she threw me around. Where does the fear go? Into the cells and it stays locked there until someday I give myself that unconditional love. I believe this is the underlying condition that was my dis-ease. I needed to really love me. In that moment I felt this deep compassion for my body. Tears came down my cheeks as I slowly and gently bathed my body the way a mother would bathe an infant. I pressed the hot washcloth against my skin with love and compassion. Each touch was full of CHI. (I was doing Chi-Lel and did not know it yet.) Afterwards I felt lighter and happy. I went to bed and I said to the Universe: "I know I will get through this, and when I do I want to help with healing others. There are too many people suffering through cancer treatment. I want to help. Show me how and I will do it. My life will feel totally fulfilled." Then I went to sleep and I had a dream. The Dalai Lama came to me in a tall triangular crystal. He had his hands in a praying position and looked up at me and said "Now Ginny, remember, BE JOYFUL!" I woke up at sunrise that morning feeling energetic and happy. I danced around the room singing "Don't Worry Be Happy". The nurse came in and took my blood as usual. The Italian doctor came in to check the report. He threw his hands up into the air in surprise exclaiming "WHAT!?" and the nurses came running. He said "Yesterday her white blood cell counts were 600, now they are 13,000! How can that be?" The nurses said they [h]ad see[n] stem cell rescue patients for 5 years and had never seen this! The next day my counts were 22, 000 and I was sent home. I was in the hospital a total of 4 days! How do I explain this? I believe it was CHI.
After this two people in my cancer support group went through the same procedure. They both died.
Recovering from this I still believed that my body could heal itself. I was looking for a common denominator that could heal my immune system. When you ask you get an answer. A friend said to try Spinal Qigong. She had had a uterine tumor (malignant) 15 years ago. She was taught by the top master in the USA and she practiced 5 hours a day. In two months she went through a lot of pain but her tumor disappeared completely. She continued to practice for 2 years. She never did any other treatment. To this day she is cancer-free.
More on healing cancer with life energy and Self-Healing Cancer with medical Chi Kung [Qigong] Therapy.
Healing and Transformation
by Martin Brofman, Ph.D., healer at healer.ch
"Every symptom has a certain way of being with which it is associated. In order to release a symptom, one must release the way of being associated with it. Thus, the process of healing implies a process of transformation. Anything can be healed"...
Martin Brofman
One or Two Months to Live
When I had terminal cancer in 1975, I had been told that I had one or two months to live, and that the end might come very suddenly, any moment, if I coughed or sneezed. I was faced with a reality in which each day was possibly my last day, each hour my last hour, and I recognized that for whatever limited time I had remaining, I wanted to be happy.
Living a compromise made no sense to me. Since each meal was possibly the last one I would ever have, I wanted to eat whatever I had an appetite for, whatever my body was asking for. It didn't make sense to me to eat food I didn't enjoy just because someone else thought it would be healthy for me. Their loving intentions were recognized, but I knew it was not my way. My path to health had to include a sense of enjoyment in all that I did, and I had to be true to myself, to be real. I had to believe in the recovery process.
Then, it was suggested to me that the cancer was the result of a process that had been going on in my consciousness, and that I could use my consciousness to get rid of it. My consciousness had been the effect of programming, in the same way that the results that a computer produces are the effects of the way had been programmed. I could reprogram my consciousness.
I was presented with the idea that our perceptions create our reality, and I realized that I had to reprogram my consciousness to create the perception that I was well. I was not prepared for such an abrupt shift from the perception of being terminally ill, but I realized that I could much more easily create the perception that I was getting better and better, until I was indeed well.
I had had the perception that I was in a state of deterioration, getting closer and closer to dying, and I knew that if I were to have as the end result the perception that I was well, I would have to change from getting worse and worse to getting better and better. I also knew that the turn-around could happen in any moment. It was a matter of turning a switch in my mind, and insisting on knowing that it had been turned. I decided that if the moment of change could be any moment, then let it be now.
The Change
I felt a shift in my consciousness, and I knew then that I was in a state of improvement. I also knew the importance of maintaining the integrity of that decision, and of that moment. I knew that all of my perceptions had to reinforce the idea that I was now getting better and better. For example, I could remind myself as I ate whatever food I wanted, that it was exactly what my body needed to accelerate the healing process.
Physical sensations that felt like electric shocks in my body, which before had reinforced the idea that the tumor was growing, now had to be perceived as evidence that the tumor was shrinking. My mind looked for more and more ways of knowing that the improvement was happening.
I knew I had to stay away from those people who insisted on seeing me as still terminal, not from any lack of love, but just to maintain my own positive attitude toward my healing process. I had to be with people who were willing to encourage me on this seemingly impossible task I had set for myself. When I was asked how I was doing, I insisted on answering, "Better and better," and seeing how that was, in fact, true.
I knew that it was vital to maintain the positive programming, and that putting myself in a relaxed state of mind and talking positively to myself for fifteen minutes, three times each day, was a part of the programming process I should in no way interfere with. There were temptations to not do the relaxations, and then I would remind myself that my life was at stake. Any temptation, then, was something that stood between me and my life, and had to be removed, so that I could live.
Holding the Perception
At first, it was very difficult. I found that the integrity of the moment of change was easily compromised, by my thoughts or words acknowledging anything other than the idea that I was improving, and I had to be honest with myself, and see that, and then know that I had "blown it." Then, I could tell myself that what had happened was just a practice run, and that the real moment of change was now.
It got easier and easier. I was able to maintain integrity for just hours at first, then a day, then two days, and then I was solid. I knew the program was working. I was able to recognize the doubting voice inside, and know that it did not represent truth. I was able to identify with the encouraging voice. It became my guide, leading me back to stable health. I was more and more able to maintain the single-pointedness of knowing that positive changes were happening. When I was not feeling a symptom, I told myself that perhaps now I would never feel that symptom again. If I experienced the symptom after that, I told myself that the process was just not yet complete, and that indeed I was feeling the symptom less than I had before.
I had to know that positive changes were happening now, possibly just at the threshold of notice-ability, so I could eagerly anticipate evidence to justify my perceptions. Naturally, I was always able to find something, and so assure myself that it was not something I was just imagining, but real, and more strength was added to the process.
The Program
During my relaxation periods, I imagined seeing the tumor which had been located in my spinal cord in the neck, and imagined that I was watching one layer of cancer cells dying, and being released, to be discarded by my body's natural elimination system. I knew that the change, perhaps not yet noticeable, was still definite. I knew that each time I released waste products from my body, the dead cancer cells were being eliminated, and I reminded myself of that each time. I insisted on knowing that it was true.
I knew that cancer represented something held in and not expressed, and since the tumor was located by my throat chakra (energy center), I had been holding back the expression of my Being. Since I wasn't quite sure what that meant, though, I decided that it was imperative that I express everything. Every thought, every feeling, whatever was in my consciousness that wanted to come out, I expressed, knowing that it was vital for my health. Before, I had had the perception that expressing led to discord, but now I saw that what I was expressing was appreciated by those around me, that expressing and communicating led to harmony.
Before, I had had the belief that if I expressed what I really wanted to, something bad would happen. I had to reprogram that to the belief that if I expressed what I really wanted to, something wonderful would happen. I made that decision, and it was so. I found myself having less and less in common with my old friends. It was as though we had shared a common vibrational frequency before, say 547 cycles, whatever that means, and suddenly I found myself at 872 cycles, having few things to communicate with the 547-cycle people. I had to find new friends who were also at 872, to have someone to talk with.
I found myself attracted to the 872 crowd, and them to me, as though I had become selectively magnetic, and certain elements of my reality were being released which were no longer in accord with the new Being I was becoming. I knew the process was inevitable, and should not be interfered with. I developed a sense of compassion and understanding at that time. I knew that my life depended on releasing all elements of my life not in accord with my new vibration. The process was simple, though not always easy. I began each day as a process of self-discovery, with no preconceived notion of who I was, yet with a willingness to discover the emerging Being, and a sense of delight with each new discovery.
I imagined the scene that would happen in the doctor's office after my work on myself was done. I could see him examining me, and finding no tumor, being puzzled. He might say, "Perhaps we made a mistake." I played the scene in my mind each day, in my relaxation periods.
I had heard that within the technology of mental programming, if I talked to myself for fifteen minutes three times each day, within 66 days, I could get myself to believe anything, and that whatever I believed to be true, would be true.
About two months after I started working on myself, I went to be examined by the doctor who had pronounced me terminally ill. On the way to the doctor, I knew that I had to maintain the perception that everything was all right. I replayed the scene in my mind, knowing it would happen like that.
Finally, the moment of truth arrived. The doctor examined me, and found nothing. He said, "Perhaps we made a mistake." I laughed all the way home.
I have transformed my way of Being. My lifestyle has changed dramatically. It no longer makes any sense to work in any nine-to-five job, or to call any other Being my "superior," since we are all equal Beings, and all with infinite potential. I ”retired” from Wall Street at the age of 38 with nothing but the dedication to the idea of doing what I really want to do and not doing what I really do not want to do, and trusting my trip, listening to my inner voice. It’s a decision I have never regretted.
With what I learned of the body/mind relationship from my experience and the research I did during my own healing process, I developed a model of healing as a way to organize in my own mind what had happened for me, and what had worked.
I gradually became involved in healing others when conditions seemed to demand that, and in doing that I saw more and more examples of the body/mind interface covering many other symptoms. The model of healing I was using became more and more coherent and multi-dimensional.
I discovered the joy of sharing my experiences and ideas with others, and watching them benefit as they put the ideas to work in their own lives.
The work I do now as a healer and teacher is meaningful to me, important to others as well, and is of service to humanity, and I feel a "high" when I do it. I have a strong sense of doing my life's work. I know that I am doing what I came to this planet to do. I know it's right. It's not a feeling that I had had before.
The process of transformation is an integral part of the healing process, whether the Being is healing his/her vision or releasing some serious illness, and indeed also even when the out-of-balance condition has not reached the physical level, yet still exists on the mental or emotional level.
It is for those of us who recognize the process to encourage it, and assist it where we can, so that the planetary transformation now taking place within the individuals inhabiting it may be hastened, and made as gentle as possible.
Illness or injury shows on the physical level, metaphorically, what has been happening in the consciousness of the Being experiencing the symptoms. It is related to that person's way of Being. Once the elements of a person's Being that relate to their physical out-of-balance condition are identified, they can be changed, and health and balance on all levels can be restored.
When we see the physical body as a map of the consciousness that wears it, and always balanced to it, we can also see that a change in one implies a change in the other. When a healing happens, a change in personality may be expected to reflect the change in the physical Being, and vice versa.
The "new" individual will have the same Essence of Being, yet with a different way of interacting with the environment, without what had been excessive tension for that individual. In fact, they will be more themselves, whom they really are.
It may seem as though the individual had awakened from a very real-seeming dream, and things will make sense in a different way. A perceptual filter will have been removed, a filter through which values had been determined, and without that filter, truer values will become evident. The "new" Being may even have different tastes in food and/or clothing, and different personal habits. It will be a welcome transformation.
Approaches to healing which consider the aspect of personality change, transformation, are keyed to the idea of an inner cause to any outer symptom. Without the inner changes, the symptoms may be relieved in the physical reality, but not yet the causes in the inner world, and the symptoms may get re-created again. The Being then considers that part of their energy system an inherent weakness, to be continually dealt with, until they can bring about the inner changes, after which the symptoms no longer manifest. After all, the symptoms were only necessary to give a message to the "old" Being. The "new" one, not having the built-in weakness, has no need of the symptom. As a matter of fact, the formerly weak part may even become the "new" Being's strongest part. Stories of formerly paralyzed or injured patients who became Olympic stars are evidence of this.
When transformation is focused on in addition to other parts of the healing process, another dimension is added, to accelerate the healing.
The Human Energy System
In the energy system that we each are, the energy is in a constant state of flow. This flow of energy is regulated by seven energy "pumps," called chakras. Each chakra represents specific emotions and levels of perception, elements of the Being's consciousness, and is also associated with specific parts of the body, specific functions within the body, specific endocrine glands, and specific nerve groups. Responses to a Being's perceived universe are reflected in the chakras as well.
The chakras have an optimal state of balance and flow. A healing of the individual balances the chakras. When this happens, in addition to restoring inner balance and a different state of consciousness, as well as physical balance, the rebalancing will also define different responses to the Being's perceived universe.
In other words, with a given state of balance of the chakras, a certain type of experience will be attracted to the individual, and certain types of people will be attracted, as well. When the energy changes in the chakras, as in a healing, the magnetic effect drawing a particular kind of person or experience is then released, along with the old way of responding.
For example, one Being, having different interactions with his/her mother may respond by blocking the chakra associated with security or trust. The effect would be insecurity as a perceptual filter. The individual would then attract precarious situations to justify the insecurity, as well as females who would remind that Being of his/her mother. When the chakra is cleared, the type of female formerly attracted would be attracted instead to other Beings with the same kind of blocked chakra as that formerly experienced by the Being who was healed, leaving room for interactions for that Being with females of a different energy. In addition, interactions with the mother-archetype will have a different resolution, more satisfying. Situations presented to the Being will also have more of a sense of solidity, or the Being will have a new perspective of confidence with which to resolve the situation..
We can see, then, that not only do the chakras reflect the outer environment, but in a way they also create it.
With minor adjustments in a Being's energy system, only slight shifts in consciousness would be apparent. In the case of catastrophic illnesses, however, the Being was in desperate need of a major adjustment in consciousness, and then the aspects of transformation would be more profound.
While instantaneous change is always possible and available, most people do not seem to be prepared for so abrupt a shift in their way of Being. Gradual change seems generally more comfortable for the Being involved, as well as for others in the Being's environment.
With instantaneous change, there is the experience of sudden clarification of what had been obscure, and a sense something like what might be experienced by a Being suddenly finding itself in a body, and watching a movie unfolding around itself, a movie that had just begun. The Being would find itself as one of the characters, with a sense of seeming to be different than what the others seemed to see the Being as, and in fact, would be very different. Others would be holding the perception of the Being who no longer exists.
It would then be important for the Being to maintain his/her new way of Being, the new sense of clarity or enlightenment (yet possibly combined with the confusing sense of sudden newness), and establish quickly the way in which things make sense in the new reality, the new paradigm, with new perceptions. The new Being would have to see its relationship to the old Being's job, surroundings, home, partner, etc., and evaluate which aspects worked harmoniously, and which parts would have to change in some way.
In the case of a Being who had had a serious illness, and who recognized the relationship between lifestyle and the physical symptoms, there would have to be a willingness to change all aspects of the lifestyle that did not result in happiness, because it would be clear that it was those aspects which were directly related to the illness It would be clear as well that to not bring about the necessary changes would be to recreate the symptoms of the illness.
When it becomes a matter of life and death, the choice becomes a clear one, and simple, although not always easy.
To those people close to the Being, it could be a very confusing time, as well. It could seem as though the person they had known the Being to be, had suddenly changed in a way, gone crazy. Habitual patterns of behavior and responding would suddenly no longer be there, and it could be very confusing. For the Being's health and well-being, however, they would have to be totally supportive of the new Being, since attempts to re-create the old Being would be perceived by the Being involved (correctly) as a threat to its health, and perhaps even to its life.
There must be a willingness to adapt to the Being's new way of Being.
Gradual change is easier for most people, but it must be emphasized that the magnitude of the gradual change is no less than that of immediate change. It is just spread out over a longer period of time. The same issues must be examined. The same changes must be made. In addition, the Being must maintain a single-mindedness of purpose, and stay on purpose, with a total willingness to release all aspects of their life which are stress-related, and all patterns of interacting which are not success-oriented, until life is again harmonious, and the body's state of health and well-being indicate that the Being has returned to balance, and may now identify with the way they are. The transformation and healing will then be complete.
Anything Can Be Healed!
When an individual who has been out of balance has made the decision to return to balance, they must make it a high priority project. Nothing else must be more important. Particularly in the case of a catastrophic illness, the return to health necessarily becomes more important than family, friends, or job. When there has been the recognition of a path to health, nothing must interfere with that path. The development and maintenance of a positive mental attitude is imperative.
Each of us is a self-organizing autonomous system of consciousness. Each of us is an energy system. Energy flows through our Being, and is directed by our consciousness. This energy is in a state of movement, flow, and in a healthy organism the energy is harmonious, and flows smoothly. When the flow of this energy is blocked or interrupted, it is experienced by the organism as an imbalance, and the organism's tendency is to return to balance and harmony, to return to health. This tendency toward harmony is an aspect of love.
All illness, all injury, is energy blocked or interrupted, or a call for love. Each of us, including you, the reader, has the ability to sense energy, detect it, and direct it.
Compare EFT Emotional Freedom Technique which aims to reestablish energetic flow and often resuls in physical healings.
Ultimately, any energy block can be released by your consciousness. It is not a question of whether it can be done, but rather how it can be done.
Within your Being, within your consciousness, is the ability to love, to perceive without judgment or expectation, to care. You have a potential for infinite love, whether or not you choose to recognize it, and whether or not you choose to manifest it. In fact, this love is the very nature of your Being.
You have the ability to love wherever there was a perception of a lack of love, or a call for love. Love heals.
You have in your consciousness the potential and ability to heal anything, on any level, in yourself as well as in any other Being, since it's all just love and energy. What remains is for you to realize this fully and actualize that potential.
Anything can be healed.
Copyright 1988 Martin Brofman
Also by Martin Brofman: Your Body is the Mirror of Your Life and Accepting Your Healing (visualize health etc. to achieve it).
The Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing
“Visit our website at
for free information about Chakras and the Body Mind Interface. Worldwide calendar of classes in the Body Mirror System of Healing and A Vision Workshop.”
Particularly recommended by Healing Cancer Naturally is the article “A Healer's View of AIDS”.
Compare Cancer Healing & Your Mind.
Quantum Biologist: How to Attract Anything to You
by Carol Hathor
Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: This article follows on from and is based upon DNA directly influenced by feelings.
1. Remember a time or event when you felt VERY happy, excited, or joyful.
2. Once you're in this high vibrational energy and feeling that happiness, excitement or joy again, THEN start thanking the Universe for having ALREADY provided your wish come true.
3. As you give thanks for your wish having already come true, imagine what this wish feels like, smells like, tastes like. What are you doing when this wish comes true? Who else is there? See and hear what is happening around you. Put in the details of your wish.
4. Remain in this high energy, feeling thankful that your wish has come true for a minimum of 17 seconds each time you do this (this is needed to combust the energy) and a total of at least 68 seconds per day (this is the daily minimum needed to manifest your wish).
5. ALLOW your wish to come true. Whenever you hear any negative thoughts about your wish coming true, say out loud: "Cancel. Clear." Then substitute a positive thought like "Of course the Universe wants to bring me my wish!" Suspend your disbelief and allow your wish to come true. Two things to remember:
1. NEVER ASK for anything or say you need or want something. Those words indicate you lack it and you are only reinforcing the fact that you don't have it. ALWAYS thank the Universe for having ALREADY provided it.
2. Whenever you put yourself in the high energy, and thank the Universe (or whatever word you use) for having already provided this wish, you are activating the timeline where this occurs. You are also "stepping on the gas" and telling the Universe to send it to you. Whenever you have negative thoughts about getting it, you are "stepping on the brakes" and telling the Universe NOT to send it to you. Be careful to ALLOW it to happen by canceling those thoughts. In essence, whenever we are feeling joyful about our wish coming true, we are activating the timeline where it occurs. Likewise, whenever we feel dread, fear, etc, we are activating the timeline where our fears are manifested. We are literally doing this from moment to moment. So be happy and joyful and choose a positive timeline! Your wish will come true. Have fun manifesting. You can use this for anything, anytime. Just be clear about what you want. "To become unlimited is to be without fear, without guilt, without hate, without bitterness. To become unlimited means you can love no matter what you see before you. That is becoming God." -Ramtha
SoulWisdom Energy Transformation
Carol Hathor, Personal Transformation Facilitator & Founder
"Penetrating the deeper mind for more permanent and complete releases of unconsciously-held emotional terrors, guilt and unworthiness -- the source-attitudes of virtually every emotional discomfort and physical disease."
Compare Developing an Attitude Conducive to Healing, Gratitude Helps Heal and Cancer Healing & Your Mind.
Amazing Near Death Experience Followed By Cancer Healing
by Ulla
A person died of "terminal" cancer, went into the light, asked the deepest questions he had about life and the universe and received amazing answers - and not only came back to physical life - but also was healed (as he was to find out three months later) ...This absolutely amazing NDE and cancer healing story can be read here.
Karuna Reiki(R)- Miraculous Healing for Cancer Patient
by Lorena and David Solinger
Chemo/Radiation & Mind Power
(Barbara Brennan Excerpt and Seth Quotes)
by Ulla
Normally a person’s (immune) system is severely affected and even destroyed by chemo”therapy” and radiation.
Barbara Brennan (ex-NASA physicist turned healer and author of the highly recommended "Hands of Light" and “Light Emerging”) states something highly interesting in this respect in one of her books which again goes to show the absolute power of mind, emotion and words themselves: A woman who chose to undergo chemotherapy wrote upon the bottles containing the chemicals "PURE LOVE". She had no side effects whatsoever from the chemotherapy!
More on Barbara Brennan’s work
This doesn't prove that chemotherapy is recommendable in my view but the enormous power of the mind, of beliefs, and of words themselves (cf. the fascinating water experiments of Masaru Emoto proving that sound and the written and spoken word can and do affect water molecules, and how we, as beings mostly composed of water, can be affected by sound and words, as described in his illustrated works Messages From Water, Vol. 1, et al.).
I believe that chemotherapy is just another one of the tokens that the mainstream "healing" profession is based not on love and pure willingness to help, but on power (not to mention money) - i.e. that of doctors assuming power over people's bodies and people willingly handing this power over to them, as Seth so neatly describes in "The Nature of Personal Reality". You may find interesting that the Swiss publisher of the German version of this book found some of Seth's statements re the medical profession and the personal power of the individual apparently so "dangerous" (to whom?) that they edited them out of the German version of this book (c. 25 pages of the original have thus been omitted.) Here are some of the statements (set in Italics) withheld from German readers (the bracketed parts, if present, have been left in the German text):
"In the larger context you realize that the doctor can at best give you temporary relief."
"(When someone who has been ill starts on the road to recovery) through changing his beliefs..."
"You are usually told that your emotions or beliefs or system of values have nothing to do with the unfortunate circumstances that beset you".
"There is no condition that you cannot change, except one indisputably physically accepted at birth within the realms of creaturehood, such as a liability in terms of a missing organ, or a functional lack."
"(I am not suggesting that you) not visit doctors or (not take drugs of that nature, as long as you believe in the structure of medical discipline...)"
More Seth quotes
Compare Healing Cancer & Your Mind.
Is there a connection between old emotions and colon cleansing?
A fascinating puzzle piece illuminating the mind/body connection excerpted from: The Key to Excellent Health: Cleansing the Colon by Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D.
Nothing has changed since Dr. John Harvey Kellogg said a century ago that ”90% of diseases are due to improper functioning of the colon. It has always been an axiom of naturopathic medicine and most forms of natural healing that the digestive system is the foundation for good or bad health. In 1987, I developed a four-phase, four-week colon cleansing protocol using herbs, electrolytes, probiotics, and nutrients. The benefits of cleansing are numerous.
Is there a connection between old emotions and colon cleansing?
Yes. You will find that in many cases a
Colon Cleanse will purge old emotions and attitudes stored in the intestines.
Consider this case: Jessie, 20, was a vegan yet was bothered by digestive problems and candidiasis. Candidiasis, or the overgrowth of Candida albicans in the intestines, is a condition often reversed by an intense colon cleanse. During the first two weeks of the cleanse, Jessie began feeling better, but the turnaround came in week three. Jessie passed what looked like three white cotton balls (presumably Candida masses lodged in her colon), and thereafter had no more candidiasis symptoms.
In addition to her physical improvements, Jessie had an emotional benefit as well. She felt an increase in will power, a clarity in her feelings, a new desire to be of service to others, and a release of long-held resentments.
These points highlight an important aspect of colon cleansing. Many people, after completing a cleanse, feel energized, uplifted, and freed of old patterns, thoughts, feelings, and memories that have held them back. When a person is on a course of personal growth and wants to change their consciousness but is stuck in old negative patterns of thinking and feeling, there is nothing that will get them unstuck and change them faster than a colon cleanse.
In my observation of many individuals doing the colon cleanse, a negative state of consciousness is often, at an energy level, at the root of whatever physical problem they suffer from. Every thought or feeling we have has the potential of moving from the mind into the physical structure of the body where it can provoke illness. I estimate that about 70% of those doing the intensive
Colon Cleanse will experience long-forgotten memories and buried emotions.
Often the memories and emotions surface into awareness with all their original charge and soon afterwards you pass a large section of mucoid plaque. As it passes out of your body, so go the emotions. In most cases, you don’t reexperience those particular emotional memories.
Here is what I think happens. It is as though you can magnetize proteins or undigested food left in the intestines with certain thoughts and feelings. These proteins hold onto the feelings for as long as the proteins remain in the intestines, and the old emotions and thoughts continually radiate through the body and mind.
They remain literally—tangibly—stuck in your body, somehow bound up with the mucoid plaque and contributing, though not often usefully, to the personality. Both the individual’s biochemistry and psyche are continuously negatively affected by these residues of emotionally magnetized matter.
Let’s say you were 13 and had a traumatic or deeply embarrassing experience. At some level, every cell in your body was affected by the emotions of that event. It is conceivable that some intestinal matter imprinted by that experience remains in your intestines, wrapped inside mucoid plaque and bearing the memory of the original pain (even though you are now 45 and barely remember the episode).
The personality and one’s operating belief system, after all, are controlled mainly by a massive accumulation of past thoughts and feelings. To a large extent, intestinal matter helps hold these feelings in place. The colon cleanse, by purging the intestines of the mucoid plaque, flushes out this accumulation of old negative thoughts and feelings.
Dr. Anderson is the originator and director of Arise & Shine, a company that produces the Cleanse Thyself Program™ colon detoxification system. Dr. Anderson is also the author of Cleanse and Purify Thyself (Arise & Shine, 1998).
*Dr. Anderson coined the term mucoid plaque, meaning a film of mucus, to describe the unhealthy accumulation of abnormal mucous matter on the walls of the intestines. Conventional medicine knows this as a layering of mucin or glycoproteins (made up of 20 amino acids and 50% carbohydrates) which are naturally and appropriately secreted by intestines as protection from acids and toxins.
More on Detoxification and Colon Cleansing Via
colonic Irrigation.
Breast cancer case with a bleak diagnosis healed in a single session of regression therapy
by Trutz Hardo, edited & published by Healing Cancer Naturally with special permission of the author
In Switzerland, a forty-three year old woman came to me for regression therapy. A few months beforehand, her cancerous left breast had been amputated. Additionally, cancer agents had been discovered in her blood and some tissue areas, so her prognosis looked very bleak. Marion is married, with a grown-up daughter.
As she had reached the Alpha state*, we requested her Higher Self (HS) to lead her to a causal event in her past which was linked to her present-day cancer.
Trutz Hardo: "And when I have finished counting to three, all of a sudden you‘ll find yourself at the specific point in time and space where the cause of your cancer is found. 1, 2, 3. You are there now."
I love another man.
Do you find yourself in your present life as Marion?
How old are you?
What is this man like?
A man who arouses me sexually. Tall...
Do you already have your daughter?
What‘s his name?
Do you sleep with each other?
Yes, we do.
And how do you feel when you make love? Are you really sexually satisfied? Are all your wishes fulfilled?
My wishes are fulfilled. It‘s what I‘ve always wished for, what I had fantasized about. Yes, it is wonderful.
Do you frequently meet?
Yes, we work together. We can see each other anytime.
And when do you do it?
In between, we can do it since our working schedule allows it.
Isn't it really wonderful for you - your husband doesn't notice and you probably feel more well-balanced and able to lead a better marital life? How is it for you?
No, no, no.
But what?
I immediately told Rainer (her husband) about it.
Man curing himself of a terrible illness with a simple one-line statement of gratitude
excerpted from “Spiritual Marketing” by Joe Vitale
My friend Jonathan Morningstar once cured himself of a terrible illness with a simple one line statement of gratitude. Jonathan got double pneumonia. Nothing seemed to help him. Then he felt inspired to write down one simple but potent sentence that he repeated every hour, recorded on audiotape and played back to himself, and wrote on signs which he hung around his home. He made this one liner part of his very being. And within twenty-four hours, Jonathan was healed.
What was the one line he used?
"Thank you God for all the blessings I have and for all the blessings I am receiving."
I'm not a scientist so I won't pretend to explain how this works. Somehow your energy sends off signals that attract more of what you are sending off. Like the child who unconsciously says he's a victim, you send off signals that attract what you are getting. Change your signals and you will change your results. Change your energy and you will change what you experience. "The energy you give out is the results you get."
Again, gratitude can shift everything. Just start feeling sincerely grateful for what you have. Look at your hands, or this book, or your pet, anything you feel love and gratitude for. Dwell on that feeling. That's the energy that can help you manifest whatever you want.
Compare Gratitude Helps Heal and Healing Cancer & Your Mind.
For many encouraging cancer healing or “cure” stories, also see
Dr. Johanna Budwig’s Health Diet & Protocol and Testimonials.
Rescuing Hug