Barack Hussein Obama II entomology is
interesting and prophetic.
The ‘Barack’ is a variant of the Hebrew
“Baraq” meaning, “Lightening coming down
from Heaven”, referring to lightening before
the coming of thunder. The Swahili variant of
the name means “The One who is blessed by
God.” Jesus in Luke 10:10 uses the word ‘Baraq’
when he says, “I beheld Satan as Lightening
(Baraq/Barak) fall from Heaven.” Satan took
a third of the angels or stars from Heaven with
him when he fell. Hussien is Arabic in origin
and means “Good; small, handsome one,”
and O-Bama in Hebrew could be construed as
“one who comes from the Heights of the sky
or Heaven”, which is the transliteration of the
word ‘BAMA’. Of course the “Blessed Bringer
of Light” in Hebrew is also known as Lucifer,
sometimes transliterated as Satan or Shaitan
(which means The Adversary), and he “Fell”
for his transgressions like “lightening” from
the heights of Heaven. So, this gets seriously
creepy here. Luke 10:18 should be properly
translated as:
“Satan is like Lightening (Barack/Baraq)
and the Highest Height (Bama) of heavenly
It is just strange that Jesus uses the exact word
“Barack” to describe Satan as lightening.
Matthew 24:27: “For as the Lightning
(Barack) cometh out of the east and
shineth unto the west; so shall also the
coming of the Son of Man be!”
Obama did grow up in the Obama did grow up in the East
and lived in Indonesia, and studied at
the ever-infamous “madrassas” Wahabi
school criticized for its radical Islamic
teachings, and lived in Hawaii and
travelled to Pakistan extensively using
his passport as an Indonesian citizen. And
the mystery of his birth and citizenship
goes even deeper than the lawsuit I have
published here. Soetoro is the name on
Obama’s Birth Certificate because a new
BC was issued when he was adopted by
Lolo Soetoro, his step-father. His original
BC, which we assume was issued for
Barack Hussein Obama at birth, would
have been sealed at the time of the
adoption. But that came from Kenya, not
Hawaii, and this story seems all pretty far
Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack
Obama, (or just “Barky” for short)
probably acquired Indonesian citizenship
in approximately 1965-1966, and may
still hold it. He possibly changed his legal
name back to Barack Hussein Obama as
an older child, teenager, or adult, or maybe
never did. But even if he did, this procedure
would not result in a change to the Birth
Certificate, and there would have to be SOME
record of the name change SOMEWHERE. If
he never legally changed his name back even
his current name on the Presidential ballot
would be invalid!
The Birth Certificate published by Obama on
his campaign website (still there, by the way)
and distributed to the media was forged because
the real BC on file is in the name Soetoro, an
identity he apparently wanted to hide from
the American people, or he has NEVER had a
US Birth Certificate and I guess being born in
KENYA might qualify you to be a Senator or
a governor, but NOT President. Otherwise our
Governor AHHH-NOLD would have take over
the world by now! And don’t forget his running
around with an Indonesian passport to boot.
Prior to 2007, Indonesian law did not permit
dual citizenship. Thus, if Obama actively kept
his Indonesian citizenship, his US citizenship
could be challenged.