Hey everyone,
Just a quick question that I feel I should ask right away, at the beginning of my fast. (day 2) since I'm already starting to notice myself getting anxiety about this.
I'm a slim person, pretty physically fit, and I'm not fasting to lose weight per say - I mean I'd like to trim down on any excess fat, of course, but I'm pretty happy the way my body is. I'm fasting for spiritual purposes and one of the anxieties that pop up for me during a
Water Fast (doesn't happen when I'm
juicing really) is that I get a little nervous when I see my body reducing itself even more as the fast progresses.
Does this happen to anyone else and is this natural to feel during a fast?
Any mantras or self-talk that I can use to coach myself through? Any reassurances you can help cement in my brain? LOL
Thanks in advance