Hi Shelley and Welcome,
try to explore gradual
Liver Flush and
read also most of the messages in Liver
Flush FAQ :
There, you will find a lot of information on improving liver health.
About diet: Avoid or eliminate all foods that you can feel are not doing good to you.
Also, avoid all foods-that-kill.
Eliminate refined salt, and use only unrefined!
Diet can be of great help in correcting all ailments.
Also, bowel cleansing can help a lot!
While nursing (and also while pregnant), many bowel and
Liver Cleansing procedures are considered very safe for large majority of women (over 95%).
You will have to judge on your own what is safe for you.
Safe for many women:
- enema (any kind including coffee enema)
colonic hydrotherapy (colonics)
- probiotics (are must)
Bentonite daily (safe if you have access to good food grade quality bentonite)
- psyllium husk or seeds are safe daily (with a lot of water)
- flax seed daily = safe (with a lot of water)
- flax seed oil mixed with other omega 6 oils = safe
- flax seed oil mixed with cottage cheese = safe
Liver Flush = safe for most relatively healthy women
- lemon - olive oil drink = safe
- castor oil pack = safe
Sea Salt intestinal flush (enema is better and safer if pregnant), but if you suffered food poisoning, then it is safer to flush it all out with
Sea Salt intestinal flush, then to get heavily poisoned
- magnesium sulfate -
Epsom Salt intestinal flush (if pregnant, enema is safer, but for many pregnant women intestinal flush is safe, if they don't take too much epsom salt) 1 tbsp in water is safe for almost anyone, even for "dying" people. "It has power to bring dead people back to life." But, it is safer to combine it with enema, and in that case take less epsom salt.
- drinking castor oil is not safe!
Read also next message threads:
Pregnancy! ... Which is the safest gallbladder cleanse during pregnancy? by Celia
Nursing a newborn and doing a flush by Anameke
Children! .... Can Children cleanse liver and gallbladder? by concerned father
Pregnancy & Nursing Forum: