MH 108
All lawyers, aka politicians are educated in the art of deceiving/lieing. Can they use hypnotics? Of Course. Many of the late night tv shows specialize is selling products/books this way. One of the most succesful authors/teachers in the USA specializes in seeking late night victims via TV and sold millions of his health books this way and found his way into the hearts of millions of women world wide. Just call these people the kings of INFO commercials and elections are a professional example of such methods.
Take a look to the past; who is the most recognised politician in the USA??????
The personally messagener of the pope to the American Presidents for many years. The KING of Hypnotism on world wide scale. His religion has been CATHOLIC ever since they blackmailed him as a young man via SEX/PERVISION recorded and used against him along with UNLIMITED $$$$$/POWER as his wages of sin.
It is suggested that ANYONE that ever witnesses Billy Grahm Crusade was hypnotised for life, with specific "key" words that reactivates when they hear his voice on TV.
Like all MASONS, most everything he said was opposite what he believed in. The local churches didn't increase business when Billy came to town, unless they were catholic churches. His crusades were promoting business for the pope, period.There are many stories about his wife stating how he could sleep with his eyes open and allot of other bazarr things.....those who believe in reptiles ?????
Since a president is prechosen/promised clear back in their college days as a reward for their evil acts; the actual act of electing a president is nothing more than a show. A SCAM. These people often have murdered someone and did many corrupt things all recorded by their masters and lifetime black mailed and the ones that decide otherwise you often see having their planes drop out of the air, or bazarr accidents that normal people would call homicide.
The Amish have the best idea, NO tv, No radio and ignoring politcians.