There are certain health goals I want to achieve and I have decided that with 67 days left in 2008, this is the time to buckle down and get it done once and for all.
Thanks to Microsoft Office Template website, I've printed out calendars of the remaining months of 2008 and taped to fridge. Since I live in a loft, there's very little that is "out of sight out of mind" so the calendars aren't hidden away.
So for those of you that actually keep track of when you started, all I can say is the last time I ate was last night around 10:30p. I've filled out my FitDay.com info so I can keep track of my progress, moods, journaling, etc.
My goal is to alternate between water and juice fasting. I plan to do 7 days water then 7 days juice then keep alternating until my goals are achieved.
I'm feeling happy, excited and inspired to get this done. My deadline is far enough out to be reasonable yet close enough to add a sense of urgency to get things done.